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FITS Header Schemas

It is not uncommon in computing to define data structures to which one’s data must conform in order to meaningfully represent some data model of interest. A simple example of this is a “struct” in the C programming language: It groups together a set of a data values in a specific order, and defines what types (as understood by the programming language) they may have. In some ways a C struct imposes a very “loose” set of constraints on one’s data: For example, it may require that one datum be a 32-bit integer, but it places no constraints beyond that on what values it may hold, or its relationship to other data in the structure (other than the relative order in which they are stored in memory).

There are other data modeling languages, often designed around specific data storage formats, that enable stronger and more expressive constraints on one’s data. This allows one to at least partially, if not fully define the semantics of one’s data and enables arbitrary data to be checked for conformance with those semantics. By using a standardized data modeling language we can then write software once that can check arbitrary data against arbitrary sets of constraints. Sometimes these languages are referred to as a “schema”, as in the case of XML Schema or JSON Schema.

One of the major shortcoming of FITS, and as a result of the data structures for observations built around FITS, is the lack of any kind of data modeling and validation language for FITS. Indeed, the FITS Standard itself lists the requirements of standard FITS headers in a combination of prose and tables that must be read and interpreted by a human any time one wants to write software that reads and writes valid FITS files. That’s not to say that there shouldn’t be natural language explanations of the keywords expected to be found in a FITS header and of their semantics, but the lack of a computer readable set of rules for FITS headers leaves open the possibility for a great many mistakes when writing software that attempts to adhere to the FITS Standard.

This incomplete approach has, as such, extended beyond the FITS Standard to usage conventions for specific observational products from different observatories and others who have modeled their data products around FITS. For example, while the various HST data handbooks contain tables listing the keywords that should be attached to different types of observations by different instruments, one has to read carefully through the documentation to determine the allowed ranges of values for many of those keywords. Furthermore, any time anyone wants to write software that works on those specific header conventions one has to hand-write code that validates the output products against those conventions. It is all too easy for developers to make mistakes or miss specific requirements. The situation becomes even worse when the semantics of the convention evolve, but the software does not.

To be fair, there are limitations to the extent to which a simple schema format can assure the semantic validity of complex science data products. Take for example the FITS WCS keywords: Say one takes an existing image that has been fully calibrated and rescales it. There is only so much at that point that a schema for FITS could validate whether the coordinate transformations are still correct. It can, however, ensure that all of the required keywords are present and have meaningful values (for example a transformation matrix element must be a real number, not a boolean). Currently these kinds of checks must be implemented time and time again, and it is not usually clear from even visual inspection of one’s code whether all constraints of the data model are correctly adhered to and validated against.

Enter pyfits.schema

The pyfits.schema module introduced in PyFITS version 3.3.0 (tentative) attempts to partially solve this problem for data models designed around FITS. Although it is generally preferable to define a data modeling language in some programming language-independent “plain text” format (think for example an SQL database schema), this can place heavy limitations on the complexity of constraints one may define in a schema. In order to fully capture the full set of rules some data must conform to, the data modeling language itself may need enough complexity and expressiveness to approach that of a programming language.

As PyFITS itself is already written in Python, there is little gained from defining a complex new language for validating FITS headers. Instead, PyFITS uses Python itself to implement most of the validation rules. What the classes and functions in pyfits.schema provide are simply a way to organize those rules into something resembling a “schema” for FITS headers. It also provides a number of shortcuts for common types of validation (eg. “keyword OBSERVER must have a string value), and a way to extend existing schemas to define new ones.

For example, PyFITS already provides schemas that can validate a FITS header against all the keywords defined by the FITS Standard. For example, BaseArraySchema captures all the rules in the FITS Standard for headers describing an image (or n-dimensional array of any kind). This includes all the rules for the NAXIS, NAXISn, BITPIX, DATAMIN, DATAMAX, and other keywords that are used to describe the array data (otherwise divorced from any description of what the data represents). In order to define a schema for images taken from a specific telescope on instrument one might extend BaseArraySchema and include additional rules. For example, all observations taken from the Hubble Space Telescope might require that the TELESCOP keyword have a value of 'HST'. Because these rules are defined using a general purpose programming language (Python) they may be arbitrarily complex. It is also possible (or will be possible in future versions) to pass additional context to the validation rules, such as the data arrays themselves, or the name of the file containing the header(s) being validated.

PyFITS schema basics

To define a schema using pyfits.schema one must create a Python class that inherits from the class called simply Schema. For a good referesher on how to define a class in Python see the official Python Tutorial.

A schema class may have methods defined on, but the primary contents of any schema class are one or more class attributes that take their name from FITS keywords that we expect to find in headers conforming to our schema. In Python, a class attribute is just any variable (other than a method or function) that is defined at the class level. The values of each of these so-called “keyword attributes” must be a Python dict object. The keys of that dict represent “keyword properties”, that is, properties or rules defining the semantics of that keyword as it is used in that particular data model.

To give a very basic example, one of the most common keyword properties is value. This defines the rules for the value that may be associated with that keyword. Say we want to define a model where the keyword FOO, if it appears in a header, must have a character string value. The schema for such a model (which we’re calling MySchema) looks like this:

>>> from pyfits import Schema
>>> class MySchema(Schema):
...     FOO = {'value': str}

And that’s it. Again, this schema states that if a header contains a keyword named “FOO”, the value of that keyword must be a string. We can now validate any FITS header (stored in a PyFITS Header object) against this schema like so:

>>> from pyfits import Header
>>> hdr = Header([('FOO', 1)])
>>> hdr  # Note that 'FOO' is an *int*, not a string
FOO     =                    1
>>> MySchema.validate(hdr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pyfits.schema.SchemaValidationError: SchemaValidationError in MySchema:
keyword 'FOO' is required to have a value of type 'str'; got a value of
type 'int' instead

This first example used a header that does not conform to the schema. As the error message reads, FOO was required to be a string, but we gave it an integer value instead. Testing against invalid headers is a good way to ensure that our schema is looking out for us. We are free to correct the header and attempt validation a second time:

>>> hdr['FOO'] = 'abc'
>>> hdr
FOO     = 'abc     '
>>> MySchema.validate(hdr)

Currently Schema.validate simply returns True if validation succeeds.

Note also that we never created an instance of MySchema. We just called .validate directly on the schema class itself. This is an example of a Python classmethod, and is the intended usage. In general there is no reason to create specific instances of schema classes. The class itself contains all the functionality we need.

What if we want FOO to always have a specific value; not just be an arbitrary string. This this case, rather than specifying str for the 'value' property we specify the exact value you want it to have:

>>> class MySchema2(Schema):
...     FOO = {'value': 'on'}
>>> MySchema2.validate(hdr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pyfits.schema.SchemaValidationError: SchemaValidationError in MySchema2:
keyword 'FOO' is required to have the value 'on'; got 'abc' instead
>>> hdr['FOO'] = 'on'
>>> MySchema2.validate(hdr)

We can also provide a list of allowed values like so:

>>> class MySchema3(Schema):
...     FOO = {'value': ['on', 'off']}
>>> MySchema3.validate(hdr)
>>> hdr['FOO'] = 'off'
>>> MySchema3.validate(hdr)
>>> hdr['FOO'] = 'abc'
>>> MySchema3.validate(hdr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pyfits.schema.SchemaValidationError: SchemaValidationError in MySchema2:
keyword 'FOO' is required to have the value of one of ['on', 'off']; got
'abc' instead


For multiple value sets a Python list must be used. A tuple has different semantics that will be discussed later.

Note also that the previous example schemas do not require a keyword called “FOO” to be present in the header. They only require that if present it meets the prescribed rules. In order to require a keyword to be present, simply use the mandatory property with a value of True:

>>> class MySchema4(Schema):
...     FOO = {'value': str, 'mandatory': True}
    >>> hdr = Header([('ZAPHOD', 1), ('FORD', 2)])
>>> MySchema.validate(hdr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pyfits.schema.SchemaValidationError: SchemaValidationError in MySchema4:
mandatory keyword 'FOO' missing from header
>>> hdr['FOO'] = 'abc'
>>> MySchema.validate(hdr)

There also exists a valid property. This is in some ways the inverse of 'mandatory': By default all keywords are “valid” ('valid': True), but if a keyword is marked as 'valid': False it is invalid for that keyword to appear in headers using this schema. For example:

>>> class MySchema5(Schema):
...     FOO = {'valid': False}
>>> hdr = Header([('FOO', 1), ('BAR', 2)])
>>> MySchema5.validate(hdr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pyfits.schema.SchemaValidationError: SchemaValidationError in MySchema5:
keyword 'FOO' is invalid in this header
>>> del hdr['FOO']
>>> MySchema5.validate(hdr)

For many FITS keywords it’s enough to set them as mandatory or optional (the default). But in some cases we also want some keywords to be present in a header in a specific order. To give a familiar example, the first keyword of any conforming FITS primary header must be “SIMPLE” (and it must have a value of True). The second keyword must always be “BITPIX” (with an integer value of one of -64, -32, 8, 16, 32, or 64). We use the position property to define rules for keyword order. The simplest use of the 'position' property is to hard-code the exact index into the header a keyword must have.

Remember, Python is zero-indexed, which means the first keyword has an index of zero. A schema encoding the rules given in the previous paragraph for “SIMPLE” and “BITPIX” might look like this:

>>> class PrimaryHeaderSchema(Schema):
...     SIMPLE = {'value': True, 'mandatory': True, 'position': 0}
...     BITPIX = {
...         'value': [-64, -32, 8, 16, 32, 64],
...         'mandatory': True,
...         'position': 1
...     }
>>> hdr = Header([('BITPIX', 16), ('SIMPLE', True)])
>>> hdr
BITPIX  =                   16
SIMPLE  =                    T
>>> PrimaryHeaderSchema.validate(hdr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pyfits.schema.SchemaValidationError: SchemaValidationError in
PrimaryHeaderSchema: keyword 'SIMPLE' is required to have position 0 in the
header; instead it was found in position 1 (note: position is zero-indexed)

(Note: This only reported SIMPLE as out of place. In a future version it will be possible to report all schema violations with a single Schema.validate call.)

Now we can fix the header and try validating again:

>>> hdr.set('SIMPLE', before='BITPIX')
>>> hdr
SIMPLE  =                    T
BITPIX  =                   16
>>> PrimaryHeaderSchema.validate(hdr)

Of course this is only the tip of the iceberg of the full set rules for a FITS primary header. Fortunately a schema defining all the rules already comes with PyFITS (see PrimarySchema).


Since the PyFITS schema format actually uses Python syntax to define a schema, keywords listed in that schema must be valid Python identifiers. For most keywords this is not a problem: The valid characters included uppercase ‘A’ through ‘Z’, the digits 0-9, and the underscore. However, it also includes the hyphen, ‘-‘, which is not a valid character in Python identifiers. A common example of this is DATE-OBS. There is an alternate means of specifying keywords in a schema that works around this problem: All Schema classes recognized a class attribute called simply keywords (all lowercase) that contains a dictionary mapping keyword names to the rules for that keyword.

For example,

>>> class ExampleSchema(Schema):
...     keywords = {
...         'FOO': {'mandatory': True}
...     }

is equivalent to

>>> class ExampleSchema(Schema):
...     FOO = {'mandatory': True}

In most cases the latter, attribute-based, listing of keywords is simply a bit more convenient. The two formats can also be used simultaneously. This is how one might support DATE-OBS:

>>> class ExampleSchema(Schema):
...     FOO = {'mandatory': True}
...     keywords = {
...         'DATE-OBS': {'value': str}
...     }

In this case keywords should really be read as “additional keywords”.

In fact, even if the keywords attribute isn’t specified explicitly, all Schema classes automatically have a keywords attribute listing the keywords defined by that schema. From the above example:

>>> ExampleSchema.keywords
{'DATE-OBS': {'value': True}, 'FOO': {'mandatory': True}}

One can see that 'FOO' was added to the .keywords dict along with 'DATE-OBS' (which was included explicitly). This can be used to introspect the keywords defined on a given schema without having to manually look through all of its class attributes.

Using callable properties

We have seen how to require a specific absolute position at which a keyword must be placed in a header by using the 'position' property. But what if we don’t care about the absolute position but rather the position relative to another keyword. For example: The keywords TELESCOP and INSTRUME (FITSisms for “telescope” and “instrument”) as defined by the FITS standard do not have required positions. But say, as a matter of convention, for the sake of consistency we want all files output by our pipeline to place the INSTRUME keyword immediately after TELESCOP. Conventions like this are useful for users visually inspecting headers–having keywords in a consistent order means less visual overhead in searching a long header for them.

Currently PyFITS schema does not define any keyword properties that explicitly define such a rule (though we could add them if it turns out to be a very common case). Instead, rather than supplying an exact integer value to 'position' we can supply a function (or often a lambda as a shortcut) that computes what index INSTRUME should have if it is to come after TELESCOP. To do this, the function would need access to the actual header being validated, and it would need to be able to look up the index of the TELESCOP keyword. This could be implemented something like this:

>>> class MySchema6(Schema):
...     TELESCOP = {'value': str, 'mandatory': True}
...     INSTRUME = {
...         'value': str,
...         'position': lambda **ctx: ctx['header'].index('TELESCOP') + 1
...     }
>>> hdr = Header([('TELESCOP', 'HST'), ('FOO', 'abc'),
...               ('INSTRUME', 'ACS')])
>>> hdr
FOO     = 'abc     '
>>> MySchema6.validate(hdr)
Traceback (most recent call last):
pyfits.schema.SchemaValidationError: SchemaValidationError in MySchema6:
keyword 'INSTRUME' is required to have position 1 in the header; instead it
was found in position 2 (note: position is zero-indexed)
>>> hdr.set('INSTRUME', after='TELESCOP')
>>> hdr
FOO     = 'abc     '
>>> MySchema6.validate(hdr)


Admittedly a more useful error message here might explicitly state that INSTRUME belongs after TELESCOP. There is no good way for the software to parse that meaning out of the validation function, but it remains a todo item to add custom error messages to the schema. This would have the added advantage of documenting the intent of the schema.

The 'position' property in the previous example deserves further explanation. Although a lambda was used, any callable (that is, anything that acts like a function) will work. The only requirement at the moment is that it take arbitrary keyword arguments using the **kwargs syntax, and no positional arguments. By convention, instead of kwargs the name ctx is used. This is short for “context”, as in, the context in which this keyword is being validated.

The reason this is kept very flexible is so that additional context variables may be added later on without requiring all existing validation functions to be rewritten. They can simply ignore any new context that may be added.

The most common example of context given to a callable property is the actual header in the process of being validated. This is passed in as the header keyword argument, so it can be accessed via ctx['header']. This usage is seen in the previous example where we use ctx['header'] to look up the index of the TELESCOP keyword. We then return that index incremented by one, giving the index at which the INSTRUME keyword should appear. In that example ctx['header'].index('TELESCOP') returns 0 (it is the first keyword). So this ends up being equivalent to if we had written 'position': 1 for INSTRUME. The difference being that 1 is not hard-coded–instead it is dependent on the individual header being validated.

Another very common usage of callable properties is validation of keyword values. By writing the validation rules for values in Python they may be arbitrarily complex. For example, in order to write a rule that a value is greater than zero we can write:

>>> class MySchema6(Schema):
...     FOO = {'value': lambda **ctx: ctx['value'] > 0}

Here the actual value of the FOO keyword being validated is passed in as the value context variable. If the callable returns True the value is considered valid. But what if we also want to ensure that the value is an integer (as opposed to, say, a floating point value). We already saw that we can do type checking like FOO = {'value': int}. But we can also combine the two checks in a tuple:

>>> class MySchema7(Schema):
...     FOO = {
...         'value': (int, lambda **ctx: ctx['value'] > 0)
...     }

This will first ensure that the value is strictly an integer. Then runs the callable to ensure that the value is greater than zero. Any number of value tests can be conjoined as a tuple.

Most keyword properties like 'value' and 'position' accept callables that can implement context-dependent rules for that keyword. The exact semantics of those callables, such as what context is provided and what return values are expected are described in the full documentation for individual properties.

Indexed keywords

One of the unique issues of designing a schema format for FITS is the common use of sequences of indexed keywords that share a common prefix and the same semantics. Because a single FITS keyword can only store scalar values, it is necessary to use a scheme involving a prefix followed by a numerical (or in some cases even alphabetical) index in order to store the elements of compound values.

The most common and familiar example of this by far is the NAXISn keywords– NAXIS1, NAXIS2, ..., NAXISn where n is the value of the NAXIS keyword and may be from 1 through 99. In principle this could be handled by manually listing out all possible NAXISn keywords in the schema, but this is cumbersome to write, cumbersome to read, and error-prone.

In order to provide an interface for keywords like these that translates easily from the FITS Standard and other FITS conventions, the PyFITS schema interface allows defining a sort of “keyword template” where specific characters in the keyword are designated as placeholders that will later be interpolated with an index value. How this works is easier to explain with an example. One might implement a schema for the NAXISn keywords like so:

>>> class NaxisSchema(Schema):
...     NAXISn = {
...         'value': (int, lambda **ctx: ctx['value'] >= 0),
...         'indices': {'n': range(1, 100)}
...     }

Here the 'value' property expresess that NAXISn keywords should have non-negative integer values. More interesting here is the new indices property: This expresses which characters in the keyword should be replaced with index values. In this example the character 'n' should be replaced with the values in the range 1 through 99. Two things should be pointed out about this:

  1. Keywords listed in the schema are case-sensitive: “NAXISn” contains an uppercase “N” and a lowercase “n”, but only the lowercase “n” is treated as the index placeholder.
  2. The range of allowed index values is given as the integers 1 through 99, but keyword names are always strings. When interpolating the possible index values those values are automatically converted to strings via their __str__ method. The most common case here is integers, so this just automatically converts integer values to their string representations.

In practice, the above example works exactly the same as a schema in which all 99 possible NAXISn keywords were written out one by one:

>>> class NaxisSchema(Schema):
...     NAXIS1 = {'value': (int, lambda **ctx: ctx['value'] >= 0)}
...     NAXIS2 = {'value': (int, lambda **ctx: ctx['value'] >= 0)}
...     # .. and so on up to
...     NAXIS99 = {'value': (int, lambda **ctx: ctx['value'] >= 0)}

At this point, the reader might noticed that the last example is still not a complete schema for the NAXISn keywords in a standard FITS header. If a header has, for example, NAXIS = 2, then it must have an NAXIS1 keyword and an NAXIS2 keyword and any other NAXISn keywords are in fact invalid. One could use a context-based callable to define the allowed range of NAXISn keywords like so:

>>> class NaxisSchema(Schema):
...     NAXISn = {
...         'value': (int, lambda **ctx: ctx['value'] >= 0),
...         'indices': {
...             'n': lambda **ctx: range(1, ctx['header']['NAXIS'] + 1)
...         },
...         'mandatory': True
...     }

In this example a function is used to determine the range of indices allowed for NAXISn based on the value of the header’s NAXIS keyword. If validating a header in which NAXIS = 2 this will make NAXIS1 and NAXIS2 mandatory and validate that they are non-negative integers. This is still not as strong as it could be, in that it allows keywords with n > 2 such as NAXIS3 and above. But they are simply ignored–treated as non-meaningful to the schema. Once could make a strong schema that outright disallows them:

>>> class NaxisSchema(Schema):
...     NAXISn = {
...         'value': (int, lambda **ctx: ctx['value'] >= 0),
...         'indices': {'n': range(1, 100)}
...         'mandatory': \
...             lambda **ctx: ctx['header']['NAXIS'] >= ctx['n'] >= 1,
...         'invalid': lambda **ctx: ctx['n'] > ctx['header']['NAXIS']
...     }

This last example deserves some unpacking: Now were are again checking all possible indices from 1 to 99. If the index is between 1 and the value of NAXIS it is mandatory. If the index is greated than NAXIS then that keyword is invalid. The index of a given keyword is passed to the 'mandatory' and 'invalid' functions in the context dict as 'n'.

For example, consider the header:

NAXIS   =                    2
NAXIS1  =                  100
NAXIS2  =                  100

When evaluating this header against the above schema, all keywords NAXIS1 through NAXIS99 are looped over and the functions for 'mandatory' and 'invalid' are evaluated for that keyword. For NAXIS1, where n = 1, 'mandatory' returns True and 'invalid' returns False. Likewise for NAXIS2. But for NAXIS3 and above 'mandatory' returns False and the 'invalid' function returns True. If any of those keywords appear in the header it will fail validation.


In the future it might be worth adding a means of marking some rules so that they return warnings rather than outright invalidate the header.

Multiple indices

Part of the complexity (or if you prefer “flexibility”) of the 'indices' property comes from its support for keywords containing multiple indices. One of the most common examples of this is the CDi_j keywords used to represent elements of the transformation matrix used in the FITS WCS convention. Here there are two indices, i and j. This can be implemented in a PyFITS schema like:

>>> class WcsSchema(Schema):
...     CDi_j = {
...         'value': float,
...         'indices': {
...             'i': lambda **ctx: WcsSchema.wcs_range(**ctx),
...             'j', lambda **ctx: range(1, ctx['header']['NAXIS'] + 1)
...         }
...    }
...    @staticmethod
...    def wcs_range(header=None, **ctx):
...        return range(1, header.get('WCSAXES', header['NAXIS']))

In this example the allowed range 'j' index (the number of pixel coordinates) is determined from the headers NAXIS keyword. The allowed range for 'i' (the number of WCS coordinates) is determined from WCSAXES if it exists, and otherwise falls back on NAXIS. This time the range function for 'i' was defined in a separate staticmethod rather than in-line for clarity’s sake. This also allows it to be reused in the rules for other keywords, such as CTYPEi.

This schema will check keywords in the CDi_j format over the Cartesian product of the ranges for those indices. For example if NAXIS = 2 this schema will check for all of CD1_1, CD1_2, CD2_1, and CD2_2. This is a rough implementation of the rules for this keyword; a fully-compliant implementation is a bit more complex. One modification we would need to make, for example, is support for multiple WCS transformations. This is an example where the range of values are not integers:

>>> class BaseWCSSchema(Schema):
...     # 'A'-'Z' including blank
...     coordinate_versions = \
...         [''] + [chr(x) for x in range(ord('A'), ord('Z') + 1)]
...     CDi_ja = {
...         'value': float,
...         'indices': {
...             'i': lambda **ctx: WcsSchema.wcs_range(**ctx),
...             'j', lambda **ctx: range(1, ctx['header']['NAXIS'] + 1),
...             'a': coordinate_versions
...         }
...    }
...    @staticmethod
...    def wcs_range(header=None, **ctx):
...        return range(1, header.get('WCSAXES', header['NAXIS']))

This is still a rough example, but might be the basic approach in writing a schema for FITS WCS. But even in the case of complex rules such as these, the author posits that such a schema still provides a more concise and cogent description of the rules for these keywords than ad-hoc code might. Future enhancements to the schema format may further simplify definition of complex patterns of rules that appear commonly in FITS-based conventions.

Schema inheritance

Some of the greatest power of PyFITS schemas is their extensibility. PyFITS includes built-in schemas for all of the basic data types supported by the FITS standard–particularly image arrays. This schema includes all the rules for keywords like NAXIS and BITPIX as well as standard metadata such as DATE-OBS. When developing a schema with which to check correctness of describing observations made with a specific instrument one might start with BaseArraySchema which describes headers for all FITS standard array-like data (whether in the primary HDU or an extension). Basic extension to PyFITS schemas works through Python class inheritance. So to add rules for additional keywords to BaseArraySchema one simply subclasses it. For example, a general schema for ACS headers might start out something like:

>>> class BaseACSImageSchema(pyfits.BaseArraySchema):
...     TELESCOP = {'value': 'HST', 'mandatory': True}
...     INSTRUME = {'value': 'ACS', 'mandatory': True}
...     OBSTYPE = {
...         'value': ['IMAGING', 'SPECTROSCOPIC', 'CORONAGRAPHIC'],
...         'mandatory': True
...     }
...     DETECTOR = {'value': ['WCF', 'HRC', 'SBC'], 'mandatory': True}

These are just a small set of the keywords one would define rules for in this case, but they would fairly uniquely identify a given header as belonging to an ACS observation. The first thing to note about this example is that the TELESCOP and INSTRUME keywords are not unique to ACS–these are keywords defined by the FITS standard, and are indeed part of the basic BaseArraySchema:

>>> pyfits.BaseArraySchema.TELESCOP
{'value': str}
>>> pyfits.BaseArraySchema.INSTRUME
{'value': str}

However, their definitions are very loose–they are entirely optional, and the only rule for them is that their value contains a string. The BaseACSImageSchema we defined above overrides these rules by adding that the keyword is mandatory, and restricting the exact values that the keywords may have.

OBSTYPE and DETECTOR on the other hand are not mentioned by the FITS standard and are entirely unique to this extension schema.

An extension schema may also extend/inherit from multiple base schemas following Python’s standard multiple-inheritance rules. For example, the PrimaryArraySchema is composed from BaseArraySchema and PrimarySchema (where the latter is a schema that matches all FITS primary HDUs (i.e. where the first keyword is SIMPLE = T). PrimaryArraySchema gets most of its rules first from BaseArraySchema, but then adds some additional rules (for the SIMPLE, EXTEND, and BLOCKED keywords) from PrimarySchema.

Another possible use case is “mixin” schemas that add support for additional keywords defined by a particular convention. For example the included ChecksumSchema provides validation for the DATASUM and CHECKSUM keywords defined by the FITS Checksum convention. As PyFITS supports this convention it mixes this schema into the basic schemas for valid FITS headers, but still keeps it logically as an independent schema, clarifying that it is a separate convention and not part of the FITS standard.

Supported keyword properties

This section lists all presently supported keyword properties and their allowed values. This is likely to change as the feature is used more and the set of required use cases becomes clearer. In particular, it is likely to grow as shortcuts are added for common use cases.


This property indicates that the presence of a keyword is required in a header in order for that header to be valid under the current schema. By default no keywords are mandatory–this property must be explicitly set to True.

Allowed values: bool, callable

  • If given a bool, a value of True means the keyword is mandatory, and a value of False means the keyword is not mandatory (it is optional)
  • If given a callable, that callable must return a bool to be interpreted as in the previous bullet point. The context arguments provided to this callable when validating a specific header include:
    • the current header being validated
    • the name of the keyword being validated
    • any indices defined on the keyword being validated


This property is in some sense the opposite of mandatory–by defaut any keywords that appear in a header, whether they are explicitly checked by the schema or not, are valid. But if a keyword is marked invalid by setting valid to False then the mere presence of that keyword in a header makes the header invalid under that schema.

Allowed values: bool, callable

  • If given a bool, a value of False means the keyword is invalid, and a value of True (the default) means that the keyword’s presence is valid.
  • If given a callable, that callable must return a bool to be interpreted as in the previous bullet point. The context arguments provided to this callable when validating a specific header include:
    • the current header being validated
    • the name of the keyword being validated
    • any indices defined on the keyword being validated


This property defines the exact position, indicated by a zero-based numerical index into the list of header cards, that a keyword must be found in for the header to be valid. More advanced rules can be defined by providing a callable that simply indicates whether or not the keyword’s position is valid regardless of its exact position.

Allowed values: int, callable

  • If given an int it must be greater than or equal to zero. This indicates the exact index that the keyword must have in the list of all cards in the header being validated.
  • If given a callable, that callable must return either an int or a bool. If it returns and int, that value is to be interpreted as in the previous bullet point. If it returns a value of True that simply indicates that the keyword’s position is valid (regardless of its exact) index, and a value of False indicates that the keyword’s position is invalid (and hence the header is invalid under that schema). The context arguments provided to this callable when validating a specific header include:
    • the current header being validated
    • the name of the keyword being validated
    • any indices defined on the keyword being validated


This property defines rules for the value associated with a keyword in a header. It is one of the most complicated keyword properties, as it allows checking the type of the value (numeric, string, etc.), the exact allowed value(s) for that keyword, or various combinations thereof.

Allowed values: type, int, float, complex, str, bool, list, tuple, callable

  • If given a Python type object it must be Python built-in type corresponding to the types of scalar values that can be stored in a FITS header value. These include int, float, complex, str, and bool. That is, to require the value to be an integer, the int type itself is given for the 'value' property.
  • If given an int, float, complex, str, or bool–that is, an individual instance of one of those types rather than the types itself (eg. the integer 1 or the string 'HST') then the value of the keyword is compared for equality with this property. If that comparison succeeds then the header is valid under that schema. For comparison of numerical values this incorporates normal casting rules, so a rule like {'value': 1} (where the value is must be equal to the integer 1) succeeds for a floating-point value of 1.0. It is also possible to require a value of 1 that must be an strictly integer (without a decimal point anywhere in the value). See two bullet points down.
  • If given a list this suggests a range of values that are valid. For example a list containing the strings ['WCF', 'HRC', 'SBC'] means that any one of those values (and only those values) is considered valid for the current keyword. The lists need not be homogeneous so long as its members are only of the types listed in the previous bullet point.
  • If given a tuple this represents a conjunction of any of the above three bullet points and the following one (a callable). That is, a tuple of more than one 'value' properties means that all those properties must be satisfied simultaneously. A common case for this would be something like (int, 1) which ensures that the value is equivalent to 1 and that it must be an integer (and not a floating point or complex value).
  • If given a callable that callable must return a bool indicating whether or not the value is valid. If False the value, and hence the header being validated under that schema are invalid. This allows for completely arbitrary validation rules. The context arguments provided to this callable when validating a specific header include:
    • the current header being validated
    • the name of the keyword being validated
    • any indices defined on the keyword being validated
    • the actual value of the keyword in the current header being validated; this would be equivalent to ctx['header'][ctx['keyword']] and is provided for convenience


This property defines the indices associated with a keyword template such as NAXISn, where n is replaced with an index value. See the section on Indexed keywords for full details. The 'indices' property is different from others in that it does not determine validity of a specific keyword against the schema. Rather, it generates a set of rules for a whole class of keywords determined by the keyword template and the range(s) of index values.

Allowed values: dict

  • The value of this property is a dict mapping a single character string representing each index in the keyword template with either a list or a callable defining the range of values that specific index may take.
    • If given a list the contents of that list are the exact values that index may take. For example the list generated by range(1, 100) allows the index character to be replaced with the values 1 through 99. The elements of the list need not be strings, but when interpolating them into the keyword template they will be converted to strings by calling the str function on them. For integers (the most common case) this just returns the normal string representation of that integer.
    • If given a callable, that callable must return a list as described in the previous bullet point. The context arguments provided to this callable when validating a specific header include:
      • the current header being validated
      • the name of the keyword template that indices for which indices are being generated