.. include:: references.txt Working with Angles ------------------- The angular components of the various coordinate objects are represented by objects of the |Angle| class. While most likely to be encountered in the context of coordinate objects, |Angle| objects can also be used on their own wherever a representation of an angle is needed. .. _angle-creation: Creation ^^^^^^^^ The creation of an |Angle| object is quite flexible and supports a wide variety of input object types and formats. The type of the input angle(s) can an array, scalar, tuple, string, `~astropy.units.Quantity` or another |Angle|. This is best illustrated with a number of examples of valid ways to create an |Angle|:: >>> import numpy as np >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astropy.coordinates import Angle >>> Angle('10.2345d') # String with 'd' abbreviation for degrees # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> Angle(['10.2345d', '-20d']) # Array of strings >>> Angle('1:2:30.43 degrees') # Sexagesimal degrees # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> Angle('1 2 0 hours') # Sexagesimal hours # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> Angle(np.arange(1., 8.), unit=u.deg) # Numpy array from 1..7 in degrees >>> Angle(u'1°2′3″') # Unicode degree, arcmin and arcsec symbols # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> Angle('1d2m3.4s') # Degree, arcmin, arcsec. # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> Angle('-1h2m3s') # Hour, minute, second # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> Angle((-1, 2, 3), unit=u.deg) # (degree, arcmin, arcsec) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> Angle(10.2345 * u.deg) # From a Quantity object in degrees # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> Angle(Angle(10.2345 * u.deg)) # From another Angle object # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP Representation ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The |Angle| object also supports a variety of ways of representing the value of the angle, both as a floating point number as a string:: >>> a = Angle(1, u.radian) >>> a >>> a.radian 1.0 >>> a.degree # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 57.29577951308232 >>> a.hour # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 3.8197186342054885 >>> a.hms # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP hms_tuple(h=3.0, m=49.0, s=10.987083139758766) >>> a.dms # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP dms_tuple(d=57.0, m=17.0, s=44.806247096362313) >>> a.signed_dms # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP signed_dms_tuple(sign=1.0, d=57.0, m=17.0, s=44.806247096362313) >>> (-a).dms # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP dms_tuple(d=-57.0, m=-17.0, s=-44.806247096362313) >>> (-a).signed_dms # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP signed_dms_tuple(sign=-1.0, d=57.0, m=17.0, s=44.806247096362313) >>> a.arcminute # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 3437.7467707849396 >>> a.to_string() u'1rad' >>> a.to_string(unit=u.degree) u'57d17m44.8062s' >>> a.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=':') u'57:17:44.8062' >>> a.to_string(unit=u.degree, sep=('deg', 'm', 's')) u'57deg17m44.8062s' >>> a.to_string(unit=u.hour) u'3h49m10.9871s' >>> a.to_string(unit=u.hour, decimal=True) u'3.81972' Usage ^^^^^ Angles will also behave correctly for appropriate arithmetic operations:: >>> a = Angle(1.0, u.radian) >>> a + 0.5 * u.radian + 2 * a >>> np.sin(a / 2) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> a == a array(True, dtype=bool) >>> a == (a + a) array(False, dtype=bool) |Angle| objects can also be used for creating coordinate objects:: >>> from astropy.coordinates import ICRS >>> ICRS(Angle(1, u.radian), Angle(0.5, u.radian)) Wrapping and bounds ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There are two utility methods that simplify working with angles that should have bounds. The :meth:`~astropy.coordinates.Angle.wrap_at` method allows taking an angle or angles and wrapping to be within a single 360 degree slice. The :meth:`~astropy.coordinates.Angle.is_within_bounds` method returns a boolean indicating whether an angle or angles is within the specified bounds. Longitude and Latitude objects ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |Longitude| and |Latitude| are two specialized subclasses of the |Angle| class that are used for all of the spherical coordinate classes. |Longitude| is used to represent values like right ascension, Galactic longitude, and azimuth (for ecliptic, Galactic, and Alt-Az coordinates, respectively). |Latitude| is used for declination, Galactic latitude, and elevation. Longitude """"""""" A |Longitude| object is distinguished from a pure |Angle| by virtue of a ``wrap_angle`` property. The ``wrap_angle`` specifies that all angle values represented by the object will be in the range:: wrap_angle - 360 * u.deg <= angle(s) < wrap_angle The default ``wrap_angle`` is 360 deg. Setting ``'wrap_angle=180 * u.deg'`` would instead result in values between -180 and +180 deg. Setting the ``wrap_angle`` attribute of an existing ``Longitude`` object will result in re-wrapping the angle values in-place. For example:: >>> from astropy.coordinates import Longitude >>> a = Longitude([-20, 150, 350, 360] * u.deg) >>> a.degree array([ 340., 150., 350., 0.]) >>> a.wrap_angle = 180 * u.deg >>> a.degree array([ -20., 150., -10., 0.]) Latitude """""""" A Latitude object is distinguished from a pure |Angle| by virtue of being bounded so that:: -90.0 * u.deg <= angle(s) <= +90.0 * u.deg Any attempt to set a value outside that range will result in a `~.exceptions.ValueError`.