.. include:: references.txt .. _astropy-coordinates-representations: Using and Designing Coordinate Representations ---------------------------------------------- As described in the :ref:`astropy-coordinates-overview`, the actual coordinate data in `astropy.coordinates` frames is represented via "Representation classes". These can be used to store 3-d coordinates in various representations, such as cartesian, spherical polar, cylindrical, and so on. The built-in representation classes are: * `~astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation`: cartesian coordinates ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` * `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalRepresentation`: spherical polar coordinates represented by a longitude (``lon``), a latitude (``lat``), and a distance (``distance``). The latitude is a value ranging from -90 to 90 degrees. * `~astropy.coordinates.UnitSphericalRepresentation`: spherical polar coordinates on a unit sphere, represented by a longitude (``lon``) and latitude (``lat``) * `~astropy.coordinates.PhysicsSphericalRepresentation`: spherical polar coordinates, represented by an inclination (``theta``) and azimuthal angle (``phi``), and radius ``r``. The inclination goes from 0 to 180 degrees, and is related to the latitude in the `~astropy.coordinates.SphericalRepresentation` by ``theta = 90 deg - lat``. * `~astropy.coordinates.CylindricalRepresentation`: cylindrical polar coordinates, represented by a cylindrical radius (``rho``), azimuthal angle (``phi``), and height (``z``). Instantiating and converting ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Representation classes should be instantiated with `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects:: >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from astropy.coordinates.representation import CartesianRepresentation >>> car = CartesianRepresentation(3 * u.kpc, 5 * u.kpc, 4 * u.kpc) >>> car Representations can be converted to other representations using the ``represent_as`` method:: >>> from astropy.coordinates.representation import SphericalRepresentation, CylindricalRepresentation >>> sph = car.represent_as(SphericalRepresentation) >>> sph # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP >>> cyl = car.represent_as(CylindricalRepresentation) >>> cyl # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP All representations can be converted to each other without loss of information, with the exception of `~astropy.coordinates.UnitSphericalRepresentation`. This class is used to store the longitude and latitude of points but does not contain any distance to the points, and assumes that they are located on a unit and dimensionless sphere:: >>> from astropy.coordinates.representation import UnitSphericalRepresentation >>> sph_unit = car.represent_as(UnitSphericalRepresentation) >>> sph_unit # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP Converting back to cartesian, the absolute scaling information has been removed, and the points are still located on a unit sphere: >>> sph_unit = car.represent_as(UnitSphericalRepresentation) >>> sph_unit.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation) Array values ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Array `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects can also be passed to representations:: >>> import numpy as np >>> x = np.random.random(100) >>> y = np.random.random(100) >>> z = np.random.random(100) >>> car_array = CartesianRepresentation(x * u.m, y * u.m, z * u.m) >>> car_array # doctest: +SKIP .. _astropy-coordinates-create-repr: Creating your own representations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To create your own representation class, your class must inherit from the ``BaseRepresentation`` class. In addition the following must be defined: * ``__init__`` method: Has a signature like ``__init__(self, comp1, comp2, comp3, copy=True)`` for inputting the representation component values. * ``from_cartesian`` class method: Takes a `~astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation` object and returns an instance of your class. * ``to_cartesian`` method: Returns a `~astropy.coordinates.CartesianRepresentation` object. * ``components`` property: Returns a tuple of the names of the coordinate components (such as ``x``, ``lon``, and so on). * ``attr_classes`` class attribute (``OrderedDict``): Defines the initializer class for each component.In most cases this class should be derived from `~astropy.units.Quantity`. In particular these class initializers must take the value as the first argument and accept a ``unit`` keyword which takes a `~astropy.units.Unit` initializer or ``None`` to indicate no unit. Also not that the keys of this dictionary are treated as the names of the components for this representation, with the default ordered given in the order they appear as keys. * ``recommended_units`` dictionary (optional): Maps component names to the recommended unit to convert the values of that component to. Can be ``None`` (or missing) to indicate there is no preferred unit. If this dictionary is not defined, no conversion of components to particular units will occur. In pseudo-code, this means that your class will look like:: class MyRepresentation(BaseRepresentation): attr_classes = OrderedDict([('comp1', ComponentClass1), ('comp2', ComponentClass2), ('comp3', ComponentClass3)]) # recommended_units is optional recommended_units = {'comp1': u.unit1, 'comp2': u.unit2, 'comp3': u.unit3} def __init__(self, ...): ... @classmethod def from_cartesian(self, cartesian): ... return MyRepresentation(...) def to_cartesian(self): ... return CartesianRepresentation(...) @property def components(self): return 'comp1', 'comp2', 'comp3' Once you do this, you will then automatically be able to call ``represent_as`` to convert other representations to/from your representation class. Your representation will also be available for use in |skycoord| and all frame classes.