.. include:: references.txt .. _extension_reader_classes: Extension Reader classes ------------------------ The following classes extend the base :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.BaseReader` functionality to handle reading and writing different table formats. Some, such as the :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Basic` Reader class are fairly general and include a number of configurable attributes. Others such as :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Cds` or :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Daophot` are specialized to read certain well-defined but idiosyncratic formats. * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.AASTex`: AASTeX `deluxetable `_ used for AAS journals * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Basic`: basic table with customizable delimiters and header configurations * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Cds`: `CDS format table `_ (also Vizier and ApJ machine readable tables) * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.CommentedHeader`: column names given in a line that begins with the comment character * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Daophot`: table from the IRAF DAOphot package * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.FixedWidth`: table with fixed-width columns (see also :ref:`fixed_width_gallery`) * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.FixedWidthNoHeader`: table with fixed-width columns and no header * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.FixedWidthTwoLine`: table with fixed-width columns and a two-line header * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.HTML`: HTML format table contained in a tag * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Ipac`: `IPAC format table `_ * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Latex`: LaTeX table with datavalue in the ``tabular`` environment * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.NoHeader`: basic table with no header where columns are auto-named * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Rdb`: tab-separated values with an extra line after the column definition line * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.SExtractor`: `SExtractor format table `_ * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Tab`: tab-separated values * :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Csv`: comma-separated values