.. include:: references.txt .. _astropy.io.ascii_write: Writing tables -------------- :mod:`astropy.io.ascii` is able to write ASCII tables out to a file or file-like object using the same class structure and basic user interface as for reading tables. The |write| function provides a way to write a data table as a formatted ASCII table. For example:: >>> import numpy as np >>> from astropy.io import ascii >>> x = np.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> y = x ** 2 >>> ascii.write([x, y], 'values.dat', names=['x', 'y']) The ``values.dat`` file will then contain:: x y 1 1 2 4 3 9 Most of the input table :ref:`supported_formats` for reading are also available for writing. This provides a great deal of flexibility in the format for writing. The example below writes the data as a LaTeX table, using the option to send the output to ``sys.stdout`` instead of a file:: >>> ascii.write(data, format='latex') # doctest: +SKIP \begin{table} \begin{tabular}{cc} x & y \\ 1 & 1 \\ 2 & 4 \\ 3 & 9 \\ \end{tabular} \end{table} Input data format ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The input ``table`` argument to |write| can be any value that is supported for initializing a |Table| object. This is documented in detail in the :ref:`construct_table` section and includes creating a table with a list of columns, a dictionary of columns, or from `numpy` arrays (either structured or homogeneous). The sections below show a few examples. Table or NumPy structured array """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" An AstroPy |Table| object or a NumPy `structured array`_ (or record array) can serve as input to the |write| function. :: >>> from astropy.io import ascii >>> from astropy.table import Table >>> data = Table({'a': [1, 2, 3], ... 'b': [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]}, ... names=['a', 'b']) >>> ascii.write(data) a b 1 4.0 2 5.0 3 6.0 >>> data = np.array([(1, 2., 'Hello'), (2, 3., "World")], ... dtype=('i4,f4,a10')) >>> ascii.write(data) f0 f1 f2 1 2.0 Hello 2 3.0 World The output of :mod:`astropy.io.ascii.read` is a |Table| or NumPy array data object that can be an input to the |write| function. :: >>> data = ascii.read('t/daophot.dat', format='daophot') # doctest: +SKIP >>> ascii.write(data, 'space_delimited_table.dat') # doctest: +SKIP List of lists """"""""""""" A list of Python lists (or any iterable object) can be used as input:: >>> x = [1, 2, 3] >>> y = [4, 5.2, 6.1] >>> z = ['hello', 'world', '!!!'] >>> data = [x, y, z] >>> ascii.write(data) col0 col1 col2 1 4.0 hello 2 5.2 world 3 6.1 !!! The ``data`` object does not contain information about the column names so |Table| has chosen them automatically. To specify the names, provide the ``names`` keyword argument. This example also shows excluding one of the columns from the output:: >>> ascii.write(data, names=['x', 'y', 'z'], exclude_names=['y']) x z 1 hello 2 world 3 !!! Dict of lists """"""""""""" A dictionary containing iterable objects can serve as input to |write|. Each dict key is taken as the column name while the value must be an iterable object containing the corresponding column values. Since a Python dictionary is not ordered the output column order will be unpredictable unless the ``names`` argument is provided. :: >>> data = {'x': [1, 2, 3], ... 'y': [4, 5.2, 6.1], ... 'z': ['hello', 'world', '!!!']} >>> ascii.write(data, names=['x', 'y', 'z']) x y z 1 4.0 hello 2 5.2 world 3 6.1 !!! .. _io_ascii_write_parameters: Parameters for ``write()`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The |write| function accepts a number of parameters that specify the detailed output table format. Each of the :ref:`supported_formats` is handled by a corresponding Writer class that can define different defaults, so the descriptions below sometimes mention "typical" default values. This refers to the :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Basic` writer and other similar Writer classes. Some output format Writer classes, e.g. :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Latex` or :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.AASTex` accept additional keywords, that can customize the output further. See the documentation of these classes for details. **output** : output specifier There are two ways to specify the output for the write operation: - Name of a file (string) - File-like object (from open(), StringIO, etc) **table** : input table Any value that is supported for initializing a |Table| object (see :ref:`construct_table`). **format** : output format (default='basic') This specifies the format of the ASCII table to be written, for example if it is a basic character delimited table, fixed format table, or a CDS-compatible table, etc. The value of this parameter must be one of the :ref:`supported_formats`. **delimiter** : column delimiter string A one-character string used to separate fields which typically defaults to the space character. Other common values might be "," or "|" or "\\t". **comment** : string defining a comment line in table For the :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.Basic` Writer this defaults to "#". Which and how comments are written depends on the format chosen (e.g. :class:`~astropy.io.ascii.CommentedHeader` puts the comment symbol in the line with the column names). **formats**: dict of data type converters For each key (column name) use the given value to convert the column data to a string. If the format value is string-like then it is used as a Python format statement, e.g. '%0.2f' % value. If it is a callable function then that function is called with a single argument containing the column value to be converted. Example:: astropy.io.ascii.write(table, sys.stdout, formats={'XCENTER': '%12.1f', 'YCENTER': lambda x: round(x, 1)}, **names**: list of names corresponding to each data column Define the complete list of names for each data column. This will override names determined from the data table (if available). If not supplied then use names from the data table or auto-generated names. **include_names**: list of names to include in output From the list of column names found from the data table or the ``names`` parameter, select for output only columns within this list. If not supplied then include all names. **exclude_names**: list of names to exclude from output Exclude these names from the list of output columns. This is applied *after* the ``include_names`` filtering. If not specified then no columns are excluded. **fill_values**: fill value specifier of lists This can be used to fill missing values in the table or replace values with special meaning. The syntax is the same as used on input. See the :ref:`replace_bad_or_missing_values` section for more information on the syntax. There is a special value ``astropy.io.ascii.masked`` that is used a say "output this string for all masked values in a masked table (the default is to use a ``'--'``):: >>> import sys >>> from astropy.table import Table, Column, MaskedColumn >>> from astropy.io import ascii >>> t = Table([(1, 2), (3, 4)], names=('a', 'b'), masked=True) >>> t['a'].mask = [True, False] >>> ascii.write(t, sys.stdout) a b -- 3 2 4 >>> ascii.write(t, sys.stdout, fill_values=[(ascii.masked, 'N/A')]) a b N/A 3 2 4 If no ``fill_values`` is applied for masked values in ``astropy.io.ascii``, the default set with ``numpy.ma.masked_print_option.set_display`` applies (usually that is also ``'--'``):: >>> ascii.write(t, sys.stdout, fill_values=[]) a b -- 3 2 4 Note that when writing a table all values are converted to strings, before any value is replaced. Because ``fill_values`` only replaces cells that are an exact match to the specification, you need to provide the string representation (stripped of whitespace) for each value. For example, in the following commands ``-99`` is formatted with two digits after the comma, so we need to replace ``-99.00`` and not ``-99``:: >>> t = Table([(-99, 2), (3, 4)], names=('a', 'b')) >>> ascii.write(t, sys.stdout, fill_values = [('-99.00', 'no data')], ... formats={'a': '%4.2f'}) a b "no data" 3 2.00 4 **fill_include_names**: list of column names, which are affected by ``fill_values``. If not supplied, then ``fill_values`` can affect all columns. **fill_exclude_names**: list of column names, which are not affected by ``fill_values``. If not supplied, then ``fill_values`` can affect all columns. **Writer** : Writer class (*deprecated* in favor of ``format``) This specifies the top-level format of the ASCII table to be written, for example if it is a basic character delimited table, fixed format table, or a CDS-compatible table, etc. The value of this parameter must be a Writer class. For basic usage this means one of the built-in :ref:`extension_reader_classes`. Note: Reader classes and Writer classes are synonymous, in other words Reader classes can also write, but for historical reasons they are often called Reader classes.