Bases: astropy.cosmology.w0waCDM
FLRW cosmology with a CPL dark energy equation of state and no curvature.
The equation for the dark energy equation of state uses the
CPL form as described in Chevallier & Polarski Int. J. Mod. Phys.
D10, 213 (2001) and Linder PRL 90, 91301 (2003):
Parameters: | H0 : float or Quantity
Om0 : float
w0 : float
wa : float
Tcmb0 : float or Quantity
Neff : float
m_nu : Quantity
name : str
>>> from astropy.cosmology import Flatw0waCDM
>>> cosmo = Flatw0waCDM(H0=70, Om0=0.3, w0=-0.9, wa=0.2)
The comoving distance in Mpc at redshift z:
>>> z = 0.5
>>> dc = cosmo.comoving_distance(z)