Bases: astropy.modeling.Fittable2DModel
Two dimensional Gaussian model.
Parameters: | amplitude : float
x_mean : float
y_mean : float
x_stddev : float
y_stddev : float
theta : float, optional
cov_matrix : ndarray, optional
Other Parameters: | |
fixed : a dict
tied : dict
bounds : dict eqcons : list
ineqcons : list
See also
Model formula:
Using the following definitions:
where ,
is the covariance matrix:
is the correlation between x and y, which should
be between -1 and +1. Positive correlation corresponds to a
theta in the range 0 to 90 degrees. Negative correlation
corresponds to a theta in the range of 0 to -90 degrees.
See [R6] for more details about the 2D Gaussian function.
[R6] | (1, 2) |
Attributes Summary
amplitude | |
input_names | list() -> new empty list |
param_names | list() -> new empty list |
theta | |
x_mean | |
x_stddev | |
y_mean | |
y_stddev |
Methods Summary
eval(*args, **kwargs) | Deprecated since version 1.0. |
evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_mean, y_mean, ...) | Two dimensional Gaussian function |
fit_deriv(x, y, amplitude, x_mean, y_mean, ...) | Two dimensional Gaussian function derivative with respect to parameters |
Attributes Documentation
Methods Documentation
Deprecated since version 1.0: The eval method is deprecated and may be removed in a future version. Use Gaussian2D.evaluate instead.
Two dimensional Gaussian function
Two dimensional Gaussian function
Two dimensional Gaussian function derivative with respect to parameters