Bases: object
Class to predict run time.
Only predict for single varying numeric input parameter.
Parameters: | func : function
args : tuple
kwargs : dict
>>> from astropy.utils.timer import RunTimePredictor
Set up a predictor for :
>>> p = RunTimePredictor(pow, 10)
Give it baseline data to use for prediction and get the function output values:
>>> p.time_func(range(10, 1000, 200))
>>> for input, result in sorted(p.results.items()):
... print("pow(10, {0})\n{1}".format(input, result))
pow(10, 10)
pow(10, 210)
pow(10, 410)
pow(10, 610)
pow(10, 810)
Fit a straight line assuming relationship
(coefficients are returned):
>>> p.do_fit()
array([1.16777420e-05, 1.00135803e-08])
Predict run time for :
>>> p.predict_time(5000)
Plot the prediction:
>>> p.plot(xlabeltext='Power of 10')
When the changing argument is not the last, e.g.,
, something like this might work:
>>> p = RunTimePredictor(lambda x: pow(x, 2))
>>> p.time_func([2, 3, 5])
>>> sorted(p.results.items())
[(2, 4), (3, 9), (5, 25)]
Attributes Summary
results | Function outputs from time_func. |
Methods Summary
do_fit([model, fitter, power, min_datapoints]) | Fit a function to the lists of arguments and their respective run time in the cache. |
plot([xscale, yscale, xlabeltext, save_as]) | Plot prediction. |
predict_time(arg) | Predict run time for given argument. |
time_func(arglist) | Time the partial function for a list of single args and store run time in a cache. |
Attributes Documentation
Function outputs from time_func.
A dictionary mapping input arguments (fixed arguments are not included) to their respective output values.
Methods Documentation
Fit a function to the lists of arguments and their respective run time in the cache.
By default, this does a linear least-square fitting to a straight line on run time w.r.t. argument values raised to the given power, and returns the optimal intercept and slope.
Parameters: | model : astropy.modeling.Model
fitter : astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter
power : int, optional
min_datapoints : int, optional
Returns: | a : array_like
Raises: | AssertionError
Plot prediction.
Uses matplotlib.
Parameters: | xscale, yscale : {‘linear’, ‘log’, ‘symlog’}
xlabeltext : str, optional
save_as : str, optional
Raises: | AssertionError
Predict run time for given argument. If prediction is already cached, cached value is returned.
Parameters: | arg : number
Returns: | t_est : float
Raises: | AssertionError
Time the partial function for a list of single args and store run time in a cache. This forms a baseline for the prediction.
This also stores function outputs in results.
Parameters: | arglist : list of numbers