Bases: object
Base table header reader
Parameters: |
Attributes Summary
auto_format | str(object=’‘) -> string |
colnames | Return the column names of the table |
comment | |
names | |
start_line | |
write_spacer_lines | list() -> new empty list |
Methods Summary
get_col_type(col) | |
get_cols(lines) | Initialize the header Column objects from the table lines. |
get_type_map_key(col) | |
process_lines(lines) | Generator to yield non-comment lines |
update_meta(lines, meta) | Extract any table-level metadata, e.g. |
write(lines) |
Attributes Documentation
Return the column names of the table
Methods Documentation
Initialize the header Column objects from the table lines.
Based on the previously set Header attributes find or create the column names. Sets self.cols with the list of Columns.
Parameters: | lines – list of table lines |
Returns: | None |
Generator to yield non-comment lines
Extract any table-level metadata, e.g. keywords, comments, column metadata, from the table lines and update the OrderedDict meta in place. This base method does nothing.