

class[source] [edit on github]


Default class to split strings into columns using python csv. The class attributes are taken from the csv Dialect class.

Typical usage:

# lines = ..
splitter = ascii.DefaultSplitter()
for col_vals in splitter(lines):
    for col_val in col_vals:
  • delimiter – one-character string used to separate fields.
  • doublequote – control how instances of quotechar in a field are quoted
  • escapechar – character to remove special meaning from following character
  • quotechar – one-character stringto quote fields containing special characters
  • quoting – control when quotes are recognised by the reader
  • skipinitialspace – ignore whitespace immediately following the delimiter

Attributes Summary

delimiter str(object=’‘) -> string
doublequote bool(x) -> bool
quotechar str(object=’‘) -> string
quoting int(x=0) -> int or long
skipinitialspace bool(x) -> bool

Methods Summary

__call__(lines) Return an iterator over the table lines, where each iterator output is a list of the split line values.
process_line(line) Remove whitespace at the beginning or end of line.

Attributes Documentation

delimiter = ' '
doublequote = True
escapechar = None
quotechar = '"'
quoting = 0
skipinitialspace = True

Methods Documentation

__call__(lines)[source] [edit on github]

Return an iterator over the table lines, where each iterator output is a list of the split line values.

Parameters:lines – list of table lines
join(vals)[source] [edit on github]
process_line(line)[source] [edit on github]

Remove whitespace at the beginning or end of line. This is especially useful for whitespace-delimited files to prevent spurious columns at the beginning or end. If splitting on whitespace then replace unquoted tabs with space first

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