Parameters: |
- table – input table (file name, file-like object, list of strings, or single newline-separated string)
- guess – try to guess the table format (default=True)
- format – input table format
- Inputter – Inputter class
- Outputter – Outputter class (default=TableOutputter)
- delimiter – column delimiter string
- comment – regular expression defining a comment line in table
- quotechar – one-character string to quote fields containing special characters
- header_start – line index for the header line not counting comment lines
- data_start – line index for the start of data not counting comment lines
- data_end – line index for the end of data (can be negative to count from end)
- converters – dict of converters
- data_Splitter – Splitter class to split data columns
- header_Splitter – Splitter class to split header columns
- names – list of names corresponding to each data column
- include_names – list of names to include in output (default=None selects all names)
- exclude_names – list of names to exlude from output (applied after include_names)
- fill_values – specification of fill values for bad or missing table values (default=(‘’, ‘0’))
- fill_include_names – list of names to include in fill_values (default=None selects all names)
- fill_exclude_names – list of names to exlude from fill_values (applied after fill_include_names)
- Reader – Reader class (DEPRECATED) (default=``ascii.Basic``)