GROUP element: groups FIELD and PARAM elements.
This information is currently ignored by the vo package—that is the columns in the recarray are always flat—but the grouping information is stored so that it can be written out again to the XML file.
The keyword arguments correspond to setting members of the same name, documented below.
Attributes Summary
entries | [read-only] A list of members of the GROUP. This list may |
ref | Currently ignored, as it’s not clear from the spec how this is meant to work. |
Methods Summary
iter_fields_and_params() | Recursively iterate over all Param elements in this Group. |
iter_groups() | Recursively iterate over all sub-Group instances in this Group. |
parse(iterator, config) | For internal use. |
to_xml(w, **kwargs) | For internal use. |
Attributes Documentation
[read-only] A list of members of the GROUP. This list may only contain objects of type Param, Group, ParamRef and FieldRef.
Currently ignored, as it’s not clear from the spec how this is meant to work.
Methods Documentation
Recursively iterate over all sub-Group instances in this Group.
For internal use. Parse the XML content of the children of the element.
Parameters: | iterator : xml iterator
config : dict
Returns: | self : Element
For internal use. Output the element to XML.
Parameters: | w : astropy.utils.xml.writer.XMLWriter object
kwargs : dict