Bases: astropy.config.ConfigNamespace
Configuration parameters for astropy.logger.
Attributes Summary
log_exceptions | Whether to log exceptions before raising them. |
log_file_format | Format for log file entries. |
log_file_level | Threshold for logging messages to log_file_path. |
log_file_path | The file to log messages to. |
log_level | Threshold for the logging messages. |
log_to_file | Whether to always log messages to a log file. |
log_warnings | Whether to log warnings.warn calls. |
Attributes Documentation
Whether to log exceptions before raising them.
Format for log file entries.
Threshold for logging messages to log_file_path.
The file to log messages to. When '', it defaults to a file 'astropy.log' in the astropy config directory.
Threshold for the logging messages. Logging messages that are less severe than this level will be ignored. The levels are 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR'.
Whether to always log messages to a log file.
Whether to log warnings.warn calls.