

class astropy.modeling.Fittable1DModel(*args, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.modeling.FittableModel

Base class for one-dimensional fittable models.

This class provides an easier interface to defining new models. Examples can be found in astropy.modeling.functional_models.

Attributes Summary

input_names list() -> new empty list

Methods Summary

__call__(x[, model_set_axis]) Transforms data using this model.

Attributes Documentation

input_names = ['x']

Methods Documentation

__call__(x, model_set_axis=None)[source] [edit on github]

Transforms data using this model.


x : array-like or numeric value

Input coordinate values.

model_set_axis : int or False, optional

For Model instances representing a multiple-model set, this picks out which axis of the input array is used to map inputs to specific models in the set. If False, this indicates that the input array has no such axis, and instead the same input should be broadcast to all models in the set.

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