Bases: astropy.modeling.polynomial.PolynomialModel
1D Legendre polynomial.
Parameters: | degree : int
domain : list or None window : list or None
param_dim : int
**params : dict
Other Parameters: | |
fixed : a dict
tied : dict
bounds : dict eqcons : list
ineqcons : list
Attributes Summary
input_names | list() -> new empty list |
Methods Summary
clenshaw(x, coeffs) | |
evaluate(x, *coeffs) | |
fit_deriv(x, *params) | Computes the Vandermonde matrix. |
prepare_inputs(x, **kwargs) |
Attributes Documentation
Methods Documentation
Computes the Vandermonde matrix.
Parameters: | x : ndarray
params : throw away parameter
Returns: | result : ndarray