

class astropy.modeling.polynomial.OrthoPolynomialBase(x_degree, y_degree, x_domain=None, x_window=None, y_domain=None, y_window=None, n_models=None, model_set_axis=None, **params)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.modeling.polynomial.PolynomialBase

This is a base class for the 2D Chebyshev and Legendre models.

The polynomials implemented here require a maximum degree in x and y.


x_degree : int

degree in x

y_degree : int

degree in y

x_domain : list or None

domain of the x independent variable

x_window : list or None

range of the x independent variable

y_domain : list or None

domain of the y independent variable

y_window : list or None

range of the y independent variable

param_dim : int

number of parameter sets

**params : dict

{keyword: value} pairs, representing {parameter_name: value}

Attributes Summary

input_names list() -> new empty list
n_inputs int(x=0) -> int or long
n_outputs int(x=0) -> int or long

Methods Summary

evaluate(x, y, *coeffs)
get_num_coeff() Determine how many coefficients are needed
imhorner(x, y, coeff)
prepare_inputs(x, y, **kwargs)

Attributes Documentation

input_names = []
n_inputs = 2
n_outputs = 1

Methods Documentation

evaluate(x, y, *coeffs)[source] [edit on github]
get_num_coeff()[source] [edit on github]

Determine how many coefficients are needed


numc : int

number of coefficients

imhorner(x, y, coeff)[source] [edit on github]
invlex_coeff()[source] [edit on github]
prepare_inputs(x, y, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

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