

class astropy.modeling.rotations.RotateCelestial2Native(phi, theta, psi)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.modeling.rotations.EulerAngleRotation

Transformation from Celestial to Native to Spherical Coordinates.

Defines a ZXZ rotation.


phi, theta, psi : float

Euler angles in deg

Attributes Summary

input_names list() -> new empty list

Methods Summary

__call__(alpha_C, delta_C)
evaluate(alpha_C, delta_C, phi, theta, psi) Evaluate ZXZ rotation into native coordinates.

Attributes Documentation

input_names = ['alpha_C', 'delta_C']

Methods Documentation

__call__(alpha_C, delta_C)[source] [edit on github]
classmethod evaluate(alpha_C, delta_C, phi, theta, psi)[source] [edit on github]

Evaluate ZXZ rotation into native coordinates.

This is like RotateNative2Celestial.evaluate except phi and psi are swapped in ZXZ rotation.

Note currently the parameter values are passed in as degrees so we need to convert all inputs to radians and all outputs back to degrees.

inverse()[source] [edit on github]

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