

class astropy.modeling.rotations.Rotation2D(angle=0.0)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: astropy.modeling.Model

Perform a 2D rotation given an angle in degrees.

Positive angles represent a counter-clockwise rotation and vice-versa.


angle : float

angle of rotation in deg

Attributes Summary

input_names list() -> new empty list
n_inputs int(x=0) -> int or long
n_outputs int(x=0) -> int or long
param_names list() -> new empty list

Methods Summary

eval(*args, **kwargs)

Deprecated since version 1.0.

evaluate(x, y, angle) Apply the rotation to a set of 2D Cartesian coordinates given as two lists–one for the x coordinates and one for a y coordinates–or a single coordinate pair.
inverse() Inverse rotation.

Attributes Documentation

input_names = []
n_inputs = 2
n_outputs = 2
param_names = ['angle']

Methods Documentation

eval(*args, **kwargs) [edit on github]

Deprecated since version 1.0: The eval function is deprecated and may be removed in a future version. Use Rotation2D.evaluate instead.

Apply the rotation to a set of 2D Cartesian coordinates given as two lists–one for the x coordinates and one for a y coordinates–or a single coordinate pair.


x, y : array, float

x and y coordinates

evaluate(x, y, angle)[source] [edit on github]

Apply the rotation to a set of 2D Cartesian coordinates given as two lists–one for the x coordinates and one for a y coordinates–or a single coordinate pair.


x, y : array, float

x and y coordinates

inverse()[source] [edit on github]

Inverse rotation.

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