Binomial proportion and confidence interval in bins of a continuous variable x.
Given a set of datapoint pairs where the x values are continuously distributed and the success values are binomial (“success / failure” or “true / false”), place the pairs into bins according to x value and calculate the binomial proportion (fraction of successes) and confidence interval in each bin.
Parameters: | x : list_like
success : list_like (bool) bins : int or sequence of scalars, optional
range : (float, float), optional
conf : float in [0, 1], optional
interval : {‘wilson’, ‘jeffreys’, ‘flat’, ‘wald’}, optional
Returns: | bin_ctr : numpy.ndarray
bin_halfwidth : numpy.ndarray
p : numpy.ndarray
perr : numpy.ndarray
See also
Suppose we wish to estimate the efficiency of a survey in detecting astronomical sources as a function of magnitude (i.e., the probability of detecting a source given its magnitude). In a realistic case, we might prepare a large number of sources with randomly selected magnitudes, inject them into simulated images, and then record which were detected at the end of the reduction pipeline. As a toy example, we generate 100 data points with randomly selected magnitudes between 20 and 30 and “observe” them with a known detection function (here, the error function, with 50% detection probability at magnitude 25):
>>> from scipy.special import erf
>>> from scipy.stats.distributions import binom
>>> def true_efficiency(x):
... return 0.5 - 0.5 * erf((x - 25.) / 2.)
>>> mag = 20. + 10. * np.random.rand(100)
>>> detected = binom.rvs(1, true_efficiency(mag))
>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20)
>>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',
... label='estimate')
(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
The above example uses the Wilson confidence interval to calculate the uncertainty perr in each bin (see the definition of various confidence intervals in binom_conf_interval). A commonly used alternative is the Wald interval. However, the Wald interval can give nonsensical uncertainties when the efficiency is near 0 or 1, and is therefore not recommended. As an illustration, the following example shows the same data as above but uses the Wald interval rather than the Wilson interval to calculate perr:
>>> bins, binshw, p, perr = binned_binom_proportion(mag, detected, bins=20,
... interval='wald')
>>> plt.errorbar(bins, p, xerr=binshw, yerr=perr, ls='none', marker='o',
... label='estimate')
(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)