Bases: astropy.config.ConfigNamespace
Configuration parameters for
Attributes Summary
compute_hash_block_size | Block size for computing MD5 file hashes. |
dataurl | URL for astropy remote data site. |
delete_temporary_downloads_at_exit | If True, temporary download files created when the cache is inaccessible will be deleted at the end of the python session. |
download_block_size | Number of bytes of remote data to download per step. |
download_cache_lock_attempts | Number of times to try to get the lock while accessing the data cache before giving up. |
remote_timeout | Time to wait for remote data queries (in seconds). |
Attributes Documentation
Block size for computing MD5 file hashes.
URL for astropy remote data site.
If True, temporary download files created when the cache is inaccessible will be deleted at the end of the python session.
Number of bytes of remote data to download per step.
Number of times to try to get the lock while accessing the data cache before giving up.
Time to wait for remote data queries (in seconds).