Bases: object
Proxy class to simplify the client interaction with a SAMP hub (via the standard profile).
Attributes Summary
is_connected | Whether the hub proxy is currently connected to a hub. |
Methods Summary
call(private_key, recipient_id, msg_tag, message) | Proxy to call SAMP Hub method. |
call_all(private_key, msg_tag, message) | Proxy to callAll SAMP Hub method. |
call_and_wait(private_key, recipient_id, ...) | Proxy to callAndWait SAMP Hub method. |
connect([hub, hub_params, key_file, ...]) | Connect to the current SAMP Hub. |
declare_metadata(private_key, metadata) | Proxy to declareMetadata SAMP Hub method. |
declare_subscriptions(private_key, subscriptions) | Proxy to declareSubscriptions SAMP Hub method. |
disconnect() | Disconnect from the current SAMP Hub. |
get_metadata(private_key, client_id) | Proxy to getMetadata SAMP Hub method. |
get_registered_clients(private_key) | Proxy to getRegisteredClients SAMP Hub method. |
get_subscribed_clients(private_key, mtype) | Proxy to getSubscribedClients SAMP Hub method. |
get_subscriptions(private_key, client_id) | Proxy to getSubscriptions SAMP Hub method. |
notify(private_key, recipient_id, message) | Proxy to notify SAMP Hub method. |
notify_all(private_key, message) | Proxy to notifyAll SAMP Hub method. |
ping() | Proxy to ping SAMP Hub method (Standard Profile only). |
register(secret) | Proxy to register SAMP Hub method. |
reply(private_key, msg_id, response) | Proxy to reply SAMP Hub method. |
set_xmlrpc_callback(private_key, xmlrpc_addr) | Proxy to setXmlrpcCallback SAMP Hub method (Standard Profile only). |
unregister(private_key) | Proxy to unregister SAMP Hub method. |
Attributes Documentation
Whether the hub proxy is currently connected to a hub.
Methods Documentation
Proxy to call SAMP Hub method.
Proxy to callAll SAMP Hub method.
Proxy to callAndWait SAMP Hub method.
Connect to the current SAMP Hub.
Parameters: | hub : SAMPHubServer, optional
hub_params : dict, optional
key_file : str, optional
cert_file : str, optional
cert_reqs : int, optional
ca_certs : str, optional
ssl_version : int, optional
pool_size : int, optional
Proxy to declareMetadata SAMP Hub method.
Proxy to declareSubscriptions SAMP Hub method.
Disconnect from the current SAMP Hub.
Proxy to getMetadata SAMP Hub method.
Proxy to getRegisteredClients SAMP Hub method.
Proxy to getSubscribedClients SAMP Hub method.
Proxy to getSubscriptions SAMP Hub method.
Proxy to notify SAMP Hub method.
Proxy to notifyAll SAMP Hub method.
Proxy to ping SAMP Hub method (Standard Profile only).
Proxy to register SAMP Hub method.
Proxy to reply SAMP Hub method.
Proxy to setXmlrpcCallback SAMP Hub method (Standard Profile only).
Proxy to unregister SAMP Hub method.