astropy.constants contains a number of physical constants useful in Astronomy. Constants are Quantity objects with additional meta-data describing their provenance and uncertainties.
To use the constants in S.I. units, you can import the constants directly from the astropy.constants sub-package:
>>> from astropy.constants import G
or, if you want to avoid having to explicitly import all the constants you need, you can simply do:
>>> from astropy import constants as const
and then subsequently use for example const.G. Constants are fully-fledged Quantity objects, so you can easily convert them to different units for example:
>>> print const.c
Name = Speed of light in vacuum
Value = 299792458.0
Error = 0.0
Units = m / s
Reference = CODATA 2010
>>> print'km/s')
299792.458 km / s
>>> print'pc/yr')
0.306601393788 pc / yr
and you can use them in conjunction with unit and other non-constant Quantity objects:
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> F = (const.G * 3. * const.M_sun * 100 * / (2.2 * ** 2
>>> print
0.367669392028 N
It is possible to convert most constants to cgs using e.g.:
>>> const.c.cgs
<Quantity 29979245800.0 cm / s>
However, some constants are defined with different physical dimensions in cgs and cannot be directly converted. Because of this ambiguity, such constants cannot be used in expressions without specifying a system:
>>> 100 * const.e
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: Constant u'e' does not have physically compatible units
across all systems of units and cannot be combined with other
values without specifying a system (eg. e.emu)
>>> 100 * const.e.esu
<Quantity 4.8032045057134676e-08 Fr>
Contains astronomical and physical constants for use in Astropy or other places.
A typical use case might be:
>>> from astropy.constants import c, m_e
>>> # ... define the mass of something you want the rest energy of as m ...
>>> m = m_e
>>> E = m * c**2
<Quantity 0.510998927603161 MeV>
The following constants are available:
Name | Value | Unit | Description |
G | 6.67384e-11 | m3 / (kg s2) | Gravitational constant |
L_sun | 3.846e+26 | W | Solar luminosity |
M_earth | 5.9742e+24 | kg | Earth mass |
M_jup | 1.8987e+27 | kg | Jupiter mass |
M_sun | 1.9891e+30 | kg | Solar mass |
N_A | 6.02214129e+23 | 1 / (mol) | Avogadro’s number |
R | 8.3144621 | J / (K mol) | Gas constant |
R_earth | 6378136 | m | Earth equatorial radius |
R_jup | 71492000 | m | Jupiter equatorial radius |
R_sun | 695508000 | m | Solar radius |
Ryd | 10973731.6 | 1 / (m) | Rydberg constant |
a0 | 5.29177211e-11 | m | Bohr radius |
alpha | 0.00729735257 | Fine-structure constant | |
atmosphere | 101325 | Pa | Atmosphere |
au | 1.49597871e+11 | m | Astronomical Unit |
b_wien | 0.0028977721 | m K | Wien wavelength displacement law constant |
c | 299792458 | m / (s) | Speed of light in vacuum |
e | 1.60217657e-19 | C | Electron charge |
eps0 | 8.85418782e-12 | F/m | Electric constant |
g0 | 9.80665 | m / s2 | Standard acceleration of gravity |
h | 6.62606957e-34 | J s | Planck constant |
hbar | 1.05457173e-34 | J s | Reduced Planck constant |
k_B | 1.3806488e-23 | J / (K) | Boltzmann constant |
kpc | 3.08567758e+19 | m | Kiloparsec |
m_e | 9.10938291e-31 | kg | Electron mass |
m_n | 1.67492735e-27 | kg | Neutron mass |
m_p | 1.67262178e-27 | kg | Proton mass |
mu0 | 1.25663706e-06 | N/A2 | Magnetic constant |
muB | 9.27400968e-24 | J/T | Bohr magneton |
pc | 3.08567758e+16 | m | Parsec |
sigma_sb | 5.670373e-08 | W / (K4 m2) | Stefan-Boltzmann constant |
u | 1.66053892e-27 | kg | Atomic mass |
Constant(abbrev, name, value, unit, ...[, ...]) | A physical or astronomical constant. |
EMConstant(abbrev, name, value, unit, ...[, ...]) | An electromagnetic constant. |