astropy.coordinates contains commonly-used tools for comparing or matching coordinate objects. Of particular importance are those for determining separations between coordinates and those for matching a coordinate (or coordinates) to a catalog. These are mainly implemented as methods on the coordinate objects.
The on-sky separation is easily computed with the astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame.separation() or astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.separation() methods, which computes the great-circle distance (not the small-angle approximation):
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> c1 = SkyCoord('5h23m34.5s', '-69d45m22s', frame='icrs')
>>> c2 = SkyCoord('0h52m44.8s', '-72d49m43s', frame='fk5')
>>> sep = c1.separation(c2)
>>> sep
<Angle 20.74611447604398 deg>
The returned object is an Angle instance, so it is straightforward to access the angle in any of several equivalent angular units:
>>> sep.radian
>>> sep.hour
>>> sep.arcminute
>>> sep.arcsecond
Also note that the two input coordinates were not in the same frame - one is automatically converted to match the other, ensuring that even though they are in different frames, the separation is determined consistently. This does mean, however, that a SkyCoord without a frame cannot be compared in this manner:
>>> c1 = SkyCoord('5h23m34.5s', '-69d45m22s')
>>> c2 = SkyCoord('0h52m44.8s', '-72d49m43s')
>>> sep = c1.separation(c2)
ValueError: Cannot transform to/from this SkyCoord because the frame was not specified at creation.
In addition to the on-sky separation described above, astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame.separation_3d() or astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord.separation_3d() methods will determine the 3D distance between two coordinates that have distance defined:
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> c1 = SkyCoord('5h23m34.5s', '-69d45m22s', distance=70*u.kpc, frame='icrs')
>>> c2 = SkyCoord('0h52m44.8s', '-72d49m43s', distance=80*u.kpc, frame='icrs')
>>> sep = c1.separation_3d(c2)
>>> sep
<Distance 28.743988157814094 kpc>
coordinates supports leverages the coordinate framework to make it straightforward to find the closest coordinates in a catalog to a desired set of other coordinates. For example, assuming ra1/dec1 and ra2/dec2 are numpy arrays loaded from some file:
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> c = SkyCoord(ra=ra1*, dec=dec1*
>>> catalog = SkyCoord(ra=ra2*, dec=dec2*
>>> idx, d2d, d3d = c.match_to_catalog_sky(catalog)
You can also find the nearest 3d matches, different from the on-sky separation shown above only when the coordinates were initialized with a distance:
>>> c = SkyCoord(ra=ra1*, dec=dec1*, distance=distance1*u.kpc)
>>> catalog = SkyCoord(ra=ra2*, dec=dec2*, distance=distance2*u.kpc)
>>> idx, d2d, d3d = c.match_to_catalog_3d(catalog)
Now idx are indices into catalog that are the closest objects to each of the coordinates in c, d2d are the on-sky distances between them, and d3d are the 3-dimensional distances. Because coordinate objects support indexing, idx enables easy access to the matched set of coordinates in the catalog:
>>> matches = catalog[idx]
>>> (matches.separation_3d(c) == d3d).all()
>>> dra = (matches.ra - c.ra).arcmin
>>> ddec = (matches.dec - c.dec).arcmin
This functionality can also be accessed from the match_coordinates_sky() and match_coordinates_3d() functions. These will work on either SkyCoord objects or the lower-level frame classes:
>>> from astropy.coordinates import match_coordinates_sky
>>> idx, d2d, d3d = match_coordinates_sky(c, catalog)
>>> idx, d2d, d3d = match_coordinates_sky(c.frame, catalog.frame)