If you wish to embed a SAMP hub in your Python GUI tool, you will need to start the hub programmatically using:
from astropy.vo.samp import SAMPHubServer
hub = SAMPHubServer()
This launches the hub in a thread and is non-blocking. If you are not interested in connections from web SAMP clients, then you can simply use:
from astropy.vo.samp import SAMPHubServer
hub = SAMPHubServer(web_profile=False)
and this should be all you need to do. However, if you want to keep the web profile active, there is an additional consideration, which is that when a web SAMP client connects, you will need to ask the user whether they accept the connection (for security reasons). By default, the confirmation message is a text-based message in the terminal, but if you have a GUI tool, you will instead likely want to open a GUI dialog.
To do this, you will need to define a class that handles the dialog, and you should then pass an instance of the class to SAMPHubServer (not the class itself). This class should inherit from astropy.vo.samp.WebProfileDialog and add the following:
It should have a GUI timer callback that periodically calls WebProfileDialog.handle_queue (available as self.handle_queue).
Implement a show_dialog method to display a consent dialog. It should take the following arguments:
- samp_name: The name of the application making the request.
- details: A dictionary of details about the client making the request. The only key in this dictionary required by the SAMP standard is samp.name which gives the name of the client making the request.
- client: A hostname, port pair containing the client address.
- origin: A string containing the origin of the request.
Based on the user response, the show_dialog should call WebProfileDialog.consent or WebProfileDialog.reject. This may, in some cases, be the result of another GUI callback.
The following code is a full example of a simple Tk application that watches for web SAMP connections and opens the appropriate dialog:
import Tkinter as tk
import tkMessageBox
from astropy.vo.samp import SAMPHubServer
from astropy.vo.samp.hub import WebProfileDialog
A Web application which declares to be
Name: {name}
Origin: {origin}
is requesting to be registered with the SAMP Hub. Pay attention
that if you permit its registration, such application will acquire
all current user privileges, like file read/write.
Do you give your consent?
class TkWebProfileDialog(WebProfileDialog):
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = root
def wait_for_dialog(self):
self.root.after(100, self.wait_for_dialog)
def show_dialog(self, samp_name, details, client, origin):
text = MESSAGE.format(name=samp_name, origin=origin)
response = tkMessageBox.askyesno(
'SAMP Hub', text,
if response:
# Start up Tk application
root = tk.Tk()
tk.Label(root, text="Example SAMP Tk application",
font=("Helvetica", 36), justify=tk.CENTER).pack(pady=200)
# Start up SAMP hub
h = SAMPHubServer(web_profile_dialog=TkWebProfileDialog(root))
# Main GUI loop
except KeyboardInterrupt:
If you run the above script, a window will open saying “Example SAMP Tk application”. If you then go to the following page for example:
and click on the Ping button, you will see the dialog open in the Tk application. Once you click on ‘CONFIRM’, future ‘Ping’ calls will no longer bring up the dialog.