In the following examples, we make use of:
TOPCAT and Aladin will run a SAMP Hub is none is found, so for the following examples you can either start up one of these applications first, or you can start up the astropy.vo.samp hub. You can start this using the following command:
$ samp_hub
The easiest way to send a VO table to TOPCAT is to make use of the SAMPIntegratedClient class. Once TOPCAT is open, then first instantiate a SAMPIntegratedClient instance and connect to the hub:
>>> from astropy.vo.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
>>> client = SAMPIntegratedClient()
>>> client.connect()
Next, we have to set up a dictionary that contains details about the table to send. This should include url, which is the URL to the file, and name, which is a human-readable name for the table. The URL can be a local URL (starting with file:///):
>>> params = {}
>>> params["url"] = 'file:///Users/tom/Desktop/aj285677t3_votable.xml'
>>> params["name"] = "Robitaille et al. (2008), Table 3"
To construct a local URL, you can also make use of urlparse as follows:
>>> import urlparse
>>> params["url"] = urlparse.urljoin('file:', os.path.abspath("aj285677t3_votable.xml"))
Now we can set up the message itself. This includes the type of message (here we use table.load.votable which indicates that a VO table should be loaded, and the details of the table that we set above:
>>> message = {}
>>> message["samp.mtype"] = "table.load.votable"
>>> message["samp.params"] = params
Finally, we can broadcast this to all clients that are listening for table.load.votable messages using notify_all():
>>> client.notify_all(message)
The above message will actually be broadcast to all applications connected via SAMP. For example, if we open SAO Ds9 in addition to TOPCAT, and we run the above command, both applications will load the table. We can use the get_registered_clients() method to find all the clients connected to the hub:
>>> client.get_registered_clients()
['hub', 'c1', 'c2']
These IDs don’t mean much, but we can find out more using:
>>> client.get_metadata('c1')
{'author.affiliation': 'Astrophysics Group, Bristol University',
'': '',
'': 'Mark Taylor',
'': '',
'samp.description.text': 'Tool for OPerations on Catalogues And Tables',
'samp.documentation.url': '',
'samp.icon.url': '',
'': 'topcat',
'topcat.version': '4.0-1'}
We can see that c1 is the TOPCAT client. We can now re-send the data, but this time only to TOPCAT, using the notify() method:
>>> client.notify('c1', message)
Once finished, we should make sure we disconnect from the hub:
>>> client.disconnect()
To receive a table from TOPCAT, we have to set up a client that listens for messages from the hub. As before, we instantiate a SAMPIntegratedClient instance and connect to the hub:
>>> from astropy.vo.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
>>> client = SAMPIntegratedClient()
>>> client.connect()
We now set up a receiver class which will handle any received message. We need to take care to write handlers for both notifications and calls (the difference between the two being that calls expect a reply):
>>> class Receiver(object):
... def __init__(self, client):
... self.client = client
... self.received = False
... def receive_call(self, private_key, sender_id, msg_id, mtype, params, extra):
... self.params = params
... self.received = True
... self.client.reply(msg_id, {"samp.status": "samp.ok", "samp.result": {}})
... def receive_notification(self, private_key, sender_id, mtype, params, extra):
... self.params = params
... self.received = True
and we instantiate it:
>>> r = Receiver(client)
We can now use the bind_receive_call() and bind_receive_notification() methods to tell our receiver to listen to all table.load.votable messages:
>>> client.bind_receive_call("table.load.votable", r.receive_call)
>>> client.bind_receive_notification("table.load.votable", r.receive_notification)
We can now check that the message has not been received yet:
>>> r.received
Let’s now broadcast the table from TOPCAT. After a few seconds, we can try and check again if the message has been received:
>>> r.received
Success! The table URL should now be available in r.params['url'], so we can do:
>>> from astropy.table import Table
>>> t =['url'])
Downloading [Done]
>>> t
col1 col2 col3 col4 col5 col6 col7 col8 col9 col10
------------------------- -------- ------- -------- -------- ----- ---- ----- ---- -----
SSTGLMC G000.0046+01.1431 0.0046 1.1432 265.2992 -28.3321 6.67 5.04 6.89 5.22 N
SSTGLMC G000.0106-00.7315 0.0106 -0.7314 267.1274 -29.3063 7.18 6.07 nan 5.17 Y
SSTGLMC G000.0110-01.0237 0.0110 -1.0236 267.4151 -29.4564 8.32 6.30 8.34 6.32 N
As before, we should remember to disconnect from the hub once we are done:
>>> client.disconnect()
The following is a full example of a script that can be used to receive and read a table. It includes a loop that waits until the message is received, and reads the table once it has:
import time
from astropy.vo.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
from astropy.table import Table
# Instantiate the client and connect to the hub
# Set up a receiver class
class Receiver(object):
def __init__(self, client):
self.client = client
self.received = False
def receive_call(self, private_key, sender_id, msg_id, mtype, params, extra):
self.params = params
self.received = True
self.client.reply(msg_id, {"samp.status": "samp.ok", "samp.result": {}})
def receive_notification(self, private_key, sender_id, mtype, params, extra):
self.params = params
self.received = True
# Instantiate the receiver
r = Receiver(client)
# Listen for any instructions to load a table
client.bind_receive_call("table.load.votable", r.receive_call)
client.bind_receive_notification("table.load.votable", r.receive_notification)
# We now run the loop to wait for the message in a try/finally block so that if
# the program is interrupted e.g. by control-C, the client terminates
# gracefully.
# We test every 0.1s to see if the hub has sent a message
while True:
if r.received:
t =['url'])
# Print out table
print t
As for tables, the easiest way to send a FITS image over SAMP is to make use of the SAMPIntegratedClient class. Once Aladin or Ds9 are open, then first instantiate a SAMPIntegratedClient instance and connect to the hub as before:
>>> from astropy.vo.samp import SAMPIntegratedClient
>>> client = SAMPIntegratedClient()
>>> client.connect()
Next, we have to set up a dictionary that contains details about the image to send. This should include url, which is the URL to the file, and name, which is a human-readable name for the table. The URL can be a local URL (starting with file:///):
>>> params = {}
>>> params["url"] = 'file:///Users/tom/Desktop/MSX_E.fits'
>>> params["name"] = "MSX Band E Image of the Galactic Center"
See Sending a table to TOPCAT and Ds9 for an example of how to construct local URLs more easily. Now we can set up the message itself. This includes the type of message (here we use image.load.fits which indicates that a FITS image should be loaded, and the details of the table that we set above:
>>> message = {}
>>> message["samp.mtype"] = "image.load.fits"
>>> message["samp.params"] = params
Finally, we can broadcast this to all clients that are listening for table.load.votable messages:
>>> client.notify_all(message)
As for Sending a table to TOPCAT and Ds9, the notify_all() method will broadcast the image to all listening clients, and as for tables it is possible to instead use the notify() method to send it to a specific client.
Once finished, we should make sure we disconnect from the hub:
>>> client.disconnect()
Receiving images over SAMP is identical to Receiving a table from TOPCAT, with the execption that the message type should be image.load.fits instead of table.load.votable. Once the URL has been received, the FITS image can be opened with:
>>> from import fits