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# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import numpy as np
from .. import units as u
from . import Longitude, Latitude

    # Not guaranteed available at setup time.
    from ..time import erfa_time
except ImportError:
    if not _ASTROPY_SETUP_:

__all__ = ['EarthLocation']

# translation between ellipsoid names and corresponding number used in ERFA
ELLIPSOIDS = {'WGS84': 1, 'GRS80': 2, 'WGS72': 3}

def _check_ellipsoid(ellipsoid=None, default='WGS84'):
    if ellipsoid is None:
        ellipsoid = default
    if ellipsoid not in ELLIPSOIDS:
        raise ValueError('Ellipsoid {0} not among known ones ({1})'
                         .format(ellipsoid, ELLIPSOIDS.keys()))
    return ellipsoid

[docs]class EarthLocation(u.Quantity): """ Location on Earth. Initialization is first attempted assuming geocentric (x, y, z) coordinates are given; if that fails, another attempt is made assuming geodetic coordinates (longitude, latitude, height above a reference ellipsoid). Internally, the coordinates are stored as geocentric. To ensure a specific type of coordinates is used, use the corresponding class methods (`from_geocentric` and `from_geodetic`) or initialize the arguments with names (``x``, ``y``, ``z`` for geocentric; ``lon``, ``lat``, ``height`` for geodetic). See the class methods for details. Notes ----- For conversion to and from geodetic coordinates, the ERFA routines ``gc2gd`` and ``gd2gc`` are used. See """ _ellipsoid = 'WGS84' _location_dtype = np.dtype({'names': ['x', 'y', 'z'], 'formats': [np.float64]*3}) _array_dtype = np.dtype((np.float64, (3,))) def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): try: self = cls.from_geocentric(*args, **kwargs) except (u.UnitsError, TypeError) as exc_geocentric: try: self = cls.from_geodetic(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc_geodetic: raise TypeError('Coordinates could not be parsed as either ' 'geocentric or geodetic, with respective ' 'exceptions "{0}" and "{1}"' .format(exc_geocentric, exc_geodetic)) return self @classmethod
[docs] def from_geocentric(cls, x, y, z, unit=None): """ Location on Earth, initialized from geocentric coordinates. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or array-like Cartesian coordinates. If not quantities, ``unit`` should be given. unit : `~astropy.units.UnitBase` object or None Physical unit of the coordinate values. If ``x``, ``y``, and/or ``z`` are quantities, they will be converted to this unit. Raises ------ astropy.units.UnitsError If the units on ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` do not match or an invalid unit is given. ValueError If the shapes of ``x``, ``y``, and ``z`` do not match. TypeError If ``x`` is not a `~astropy.units.Quantity` and no unit is given. """ if unit is None: try: unit = x.unit except AttributeError: raise TypeError("Geocentric coordinates should be Quantities " "unless an explicit unit is given.") else: unit = u.Unit(unit) if unit.physical_type != 'length': raise u.UnitsError("Geocentric coordinates should be in " "units of length.") try: x = u.Quantity(x, unit, copy=False) y = u.Quantity(y, unit, copy=False) z = u.Quantity(z, unit, copy=False) except u.UnitsError: raise u.UnitsError("Geocentric coordinate units should all be " "consistent.") x, y, z = np.broadcast_arrays(x, y, z) struc = np.empty(x.shape, cls._location_dtype) struc['x'], struc['y'], struc['z'] = x, y, z return super(EarthLocation, cls).__new__(cls, struc, unit, copy=False)
[docs] def from_geodetic(cls, lon, lat, height=0., ellipsoid=None): """ Location on Earth, initialized from geodetic coordinates. Parameters ---------- lon : `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude` or float Earth East longitude. Can be anything that initialises an `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` object (if float, in degrees). lat : `~astropy.coordinates.Latitude` or float Earth latitude. Can be anything that initialises an `~astropy.coordinates.Latitude` object (if float, in degrees). height : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or float, optional Height above reference ellipsoid (if float, in meters; default: 0). ellipsoid : str, optional Name of the reference ellipsoid to use (default: 'WGS84'). Available ellipoids are: 'WGS84', 'GRS80', 'WGS72'. Raises ------ astropy.units.UnitsError If the units on ``lon`` and ``lat`` are inconsistent with angular ones, or that on ``height`` with a length. ValueError If ``lon``, ``lat``, and ``height`` do not have the same shape, or if ``ellipsoid`` is not recognized as among the ones implemented. Notes ----- For the conversion to geocentric coordinates, the ERFA routine ``gd2gc`` is used. See """ ellipsoid = _check_ellipsoid(ellipsoid, default=cls._ellipsoid) lon = Longitude(lon,, wrap_angle=180*, copy=False) lat = Latitude(lat,, copy=False) # don't convert to m by default, so we can use the height unit below. if not isinstance(height, u.Quantity): height = u.Quantity(height, u.m, copy=False) # convert to float in units required for erfa routine, and ensure # all broadcast to same shape, and are at least 1-dimensional. _lon, _lat, _height = np.broadcast_arrays(,, # get geocentric coordinates. Have to give one-dimensional array. xyz = erfa_time.era_gd2gc(ELLIPSOIDS[ellipsoid], _lon.ravel(), _lat.ravel(), _height.ravel()) self = xyz.view(cls._location_dtype, cls).reshape(lon.shape) self._unit = u.meter self._ellipsoid = ellipsoid return
@property def ellipsoid(self): """The default ellipsoid used to convert to geodetic coordinates.""" return self._ellipsoid @ellipsoid.setter def ellipsoid(self, ellipsoid): self._ellipsoid = _check_ellipsoid(ellipsoid) @property def geodetic(self): """Convert to geodetic coordinates for the default ellipsoid.""" return self.to_geodetic()
[docs] def to_geodetic(self, ellipsoid=None): """Convert to geodetic coordinates. Parameters ---------- ellipsoid : str, optional Reference ellipsoid to use. Default is the one the coordinates were initialized with. Available are: 'WGS84', 'GRS80', 'WGS72' Returns ------- (lon, lat, height) : tuple The tuple contains instances of `~astropy.coordinates.Longitude`, `~astropy.coordinates.Latitude`, and `~astropy.units.Quantity` Raises ------ ValueError if ``ellipsoid`` is not recognized as among the ones implemented. Notes ----- For the conversion to geodetic coordinates, the ERFA routine ``gc2gd`` is used. See """ ellipsoid = _check_ellipsoid(ellipsoid, default=self.ellipsoid) self_array =, np.ndarray) lon, lat, height = erfa_time.era_gc2gd(ELLIPSOIDS[ellipsoid], np.atleast_2d(self_array)) return (Longitude(lon.squeeze() * u.radian,, wrap_angle=180.*, Latitude(lat.squeeze() * u.radian,, u.Quantity(height.squeeze() * u.meter, self.unit))
@property def longitude(self): """Longitude of the location, for the default ellipsoid.""" return self.geodetic[0] @property def latitude(self): """Latitude of the location, for the default ellipsoid.""" return self.geodetic[1] @property def height(self): """Height of the location, for the default ellipsoid.""" return self.geodetic[2] # mostly for symmetry with geodedic and to_geodetic. @property def geocentric(self): """Convert to a tuple with X, Y, and Z as quantities""" return self.to_geocentric()
[docs] def to_geocentric(self): """Convert to a tuple with X, Y, and Z as quantities""" return (self.x, self.y, self.z)
@property def x(self): """The X component of the geocentric coordinates.""" return self['x'] @property def y(self): """The Y component of the geocentric coordinates.""" return self['y'] @property def z(self): """The Z component of the geocentric coordinates.""" return self['z'] def __getitem__(self, item): result = super(EarthLocation, self).__getitem__(item) if result.dtype is self.dtype: return result.view(self.__class__) else: return result.view(u.Quantity) def __array_finalize__(self, obj): super(EarthLocation, self).__array_finalize__(obj) if hasattr(obj, '_ellipsoid'): self._ellipsoid = obj._ellipsoid def __len__(self): if self.shape == (): raise IndexError('0-d EarthLocation arrays cannot be indexed') else: return super(EarthLocation, self).__len__()
[docs] def to(self, unit, equivalencies=[]): array_view = self.view(self._array_dtype, u.Quantity) converted =, equivalencies) return self._new_view(converted.view(self.dtype).reshape(self.shape), unit)
to.__doc__ =

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