High-level operations for numpy structured arrays.
join(): Perform a database join of two numpy ndarrays.
hstack(): Horizontally stack a list of numpy ndarrays.
vstack(): Vertically stack a list of numpy ndarrays.
Some code and inspriration taken from numpy.lib.recfunctions.join_by().
Redistribution license restrictions apply.
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from ..extern import six
from ..extern.six.moves import zip as izip
from itertools import chain
import collections
import numpy as np
import numpy.ma as ma
from . import _np_utils
from ..utils import OrderedDict
__all__ = ['join', 'hstack', 'vstack', 'TableMergeError']
[docs]class TableMergeError(ValueError):
def _counter(iterable):
Count instances of each unique value in ``iterable``. Returns a dict
with the counts. Would use collections.Counter but this isn't available in 2.6.
counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
for val in iterable:
counts[val] += 1
return counts
def get_col_name_map(arrays, common_names, uniq_col_name='{col_name}_{table_name}',
Find the column names mapping when merging the list of structured ndarrays
``arrays``. It is assumed that col names in ``common_names`` are to be
merged into a single column while the rest will be uniquely represented
in the output. The args ``uniq_col_name`` and ``table_names`` specify
how to rename columns in case of conflicts.
Returns a dict mapping each output column name to the input(s). This takes the form
{outname : (col_name_0, col_name_1, ...), ... }. For key columns all of input names
will be present, while for the other non-key columns the value will be (col_name_0,
None, ..) or (None, col_name_1, ..) etc.
col_name_map = collections.defaultdict(lambda: [None] * len(arrays))
col_name_list = []
if table_names is None:
table_names = [six.text_type(ii + 1) for ii in range(len(arrays))]
for idx, array in enumerate(arrays):
table_name = table_names[idx]
for name in array.dtype.names:
out_name = name
if name in common_names:
# If name is in the list of common_names then insert into
# the column name list, but just once.
if name not in col_name_list:
# If name is not one of the common column outputs, and it collides
# with the names in one of the other arrays, then rename
others = (x for x in arrays if x is not array)
if any(name in other.dtype.names for other in others):
out_name = uniq_col_name.format(table_name=table_name, col_name=name)
col_name_map[out_name][idx] = name
# Check for duplicate output column names
col_name_count = _counter(col_name_list)
repeated_names = [name for name, count in six.iteritems(col_name_count) if count > 1]
if repeated_names:
raise TableMergeError('Merging column names resulted in duplicates: {0}. '
'Change uniq_col_name or table_names args to fix this.'
# Convert col_name_map to a regular dict with tuple (immutable) values
col_name_map = OrderedDict((name, col_name_map[name]) for name in col_name_list)
return col_name_map
def get_descrs(arrays, col_name_map):
Find the dtypes descrs resulting from merging the list of arrays' dtypes,
using the column name mapping ``col_name_map``.
Return a list of descrs for the output.
out_descrs = []
for out_name, in_names in six.iteritems(col_name_map):
# List of input arrays that contribute to this output column
in_cols = [arr[name] for arr, name in izip(arrays, in_names) if name is not None]
# List of names of the columns that contribute to this output column.
names = [name for name in in_names if name is not None]
# Output dtype is the superset of all dtypes in in_arrays
dtype = common_dtype(in_cols)
except TableMergeError as tme:
# Beautify the error message when we are trying to merge columns with incompatible
# types by including the name of the columns that originated the error.
raise TableMergeError("The '{0}' columns have incompatible types: {1}"
.format(names[0], tme._incompat_types))
# Make sure all input shapes are the same
uniq_shapes = set(col.shape[1:] for col in in_cols)
if len(uniq_shapes) != 1:
raise TableMergeError('Key columns {0!r} have different shape'.format(name))
shape = uniq_shapes.pop()
out_descrs.append((fix_column_name(out_name), dtype, shape))
return out_descrs
def common_dtype(cols):
Use numpy to find the common dtype for a list of structured ndarray columns.
Only allow columns within the following fundamental numpy data types:
np.bool_, np.object_, np.number, np.character, np.void
np_types = (np.bool_, np.object_, np.number, np.character, np.void)
uniq_types = set(tuple(issubclass(col.dtype.type, np_type) for np_type in np_types)
for col in cols)
if len(uniq_types) > 1:
# Embed into the exception the actual list of incompatible types.
incompat_types = [col.dtype.name for col in cols]
tme = TableMergeError('Columns have incompatible types {0}'
tme._incompat_types = incompat_types
raise tme
arrs = [np.empty(1, dtype=col.dtype) for col in cols]
# For string-type arrays need to explicitly fill in non-zero
# values or the final arr_common = .. step is unpredictable.
for arr in arrs:
if arr.dtype.kind in ('S', 'U'):
arr[0] = '0' * arr.itemsize
arr_common = np.array([arr[0] for arr in arrs])
return arr_common.dtype.str
def join(left, right, keys=None, join_type='inner',
table_names=['1', '2'],
Perform a join of the left and right numpy structured array on specified keys.
left : structured array
Left side table in the join
right : structured array
Right side table in the join
keys : str or list of str
Name(s) of column(s) used to match rows of left and right tables.
Default is to use all columns which are common to both tables.
join_type : str
Join type ('inner' | 'outer' | 'left' | 'right'), default is 'inner'
uniq_col_name : str or None
String generate a unique output column name in case of a conflict.
The default is '{col_name}_{table_name}'.
table_names : list of str or None
Two-element list of table names used when generating unique output
column names. The default is ['1', '2'].
col_name_map : empty dict or None
If passed as a dict then it will be updated in-place with the
mapping of output to input column names.
# Store user-provided col_name_map until the end
_col_name_map = col_name_map
if join_type not in ('inner', 'outer', 'left', 'right'):
raise ValueError("The 'join_type' argument should be in 'inner', "
"'outer', 'left' or 'right' (got '{0}' instead)".
# If we have a single key, put it in a tuple
if keys is None:
keys = tuple(name for name in left.dtype.names if name in right.dtype.names)
if len(keys) == 0:
raise TableMergeError('No keys in common between left and right tables')
elif isinstance(keys, six.string_types):
keys = (keys,)
# Check the key columns
for arr, arr_label in ((left, 'Left'), (right, 'Right')):
for name in keys:
if name not in arr.dtype.names:
raise TableMergeError('{0} table does not have key column {1!r}'
.format(arr_label, name))
if hasattr(arr[name], 'mask') and np.any(arr[name].mask):
raise TableMergeError('{0} key column {1!r} has missing values'
.format(arr_label, name))
# Make sure we work with ravelled arrays
left = left.ravel()
right = right.ravel()
len_left, len_right = len(left), len(right)
left_names, right_names = left.dtype.names, right.dtype.names
# Joined array dtype as a list of descr (name, type_str, shape) tuples
col_name_map = get_col_name_map([left, right], keys, uniq_col_name, table_names)
out_descrs = get_descrs([left, right], col_name_map)
# Make an array with just the key columns
out_keys_dtype = [descr for descr in out_descrs if descr[0] in keys]
out_keys = np.empty(len_left + len_right, dtype=out_keys_dtype)
for key in keys:
out_keys[key][:len_left] = left[key]
out_keys[key][len_left:] = right[key]
idx_sort = out_keys.argsort(order=keys)
out_keys = out_keys[idx_sort]
# Get all keys
diffs = np.concatenate(([True], out_keys[1:] != out_keys[:-1], [True]))
idxs = np.flatnonzero(diffs)
# Main inner loop in Cython to compute the cartesion product
# indices for the given join type
int_join_type = {'inner': 0, 'outer': 1, 'left': 2, 'right': 3}[join_type]
masked, n_out, left_out, left_mask, right_out, right_mask = \
_np_utils.join_inner(idxs, idx_sort, len_left, int_join_type)
# If either of the inputs are masked then the output is masked
if any(isinstance(array, ma.MaskedArray) for array in (left, right)):
masked = True
if masked:
out = ma.empty(n_out, dtype=out_descrs)
out = np.empty(n_out, dtype=out_descrs)
# If either input array was zero length then stub a new version
# with one row. In this case the corresponding left_out or right_out
# will contain all zeros with mask set to true. This allows the
# take(*_out) method calls to work as expected.
if len(left) == 0:
left = left.__class__(1, dtype=left.dtype)
if len(right) == 0:
right = right.__class__(1, dtype=right.dtype)
for out_name, left_right_names in six.iteritems(col_name_map):
left_name, right_name = left_right_names
if left_name and right_name: # this is a key which comes from left and right
out[out_name] = np.where(right_mask,
elif left_name: # out_name came from the left table
name, array, array_out, array_mask = left_name, left, left_out, left_mask
elif right_name:
name, array, array_out, array_mask = right_name, right, right_out, right_mask
raise TableMergeError('Unexpected column names (maybe one is ""?)')
out[out_name] = array[name].take(array_out)
if masked:
if isinstance(array, ma.MaskedArray):
array_mask = array_mask | array[name].mask.take(array_out)
out[out_name].mask = array_mask
# If col_name_map supplied as a dict input, then update.
if isinstance(_col_name_map, collections.Mapping):
return out
def _check_for_sequence_of_structured_arrays(arrays):
err = '`arrays` arg must be a sequence (e.g. list) of structured arrays'
if not isinstance(arrays, collections.Sequence):
raise TypeError(err)
for array in arrays:
# Must be structured array
if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray) or array.dtype.names is None:
raise TypeError(err)
if len(arrays) == 0:
raise ValueError('`arrays` arg must include at least one array')
def vstack(arrays, join_type='inner', col_name_map=None):
Stack structured arrays vertically (by rows)
A ``join_type`` of 'exact' (default) means that the arrays must all
have exactly the same column names (though the order can vary). If
``join_type`` is 'inner' then the intersection of common columns will
be output. A value of 'outer' means the output will have the union of
all columns, with array values being masked where no common values are
arrays : list of structured arrays
Structured array(s) to stack by rows (vertically)
join_type : str
Join type ('inner' | 'exact' | 'outer'), default is 'exact'
col_name_map : empty dict or None
If passed as a dict then it will be updated in-place with the
mapping of output to input column names.
To stack two structured arrays by rows do::
>>> from astropy.table import np_utils
>>> t1 = np.array([(1, 2),
... (3, 4)], dtype=[(str('a'), 'i4'), (str('b'), 'i4')])
>>> t2 = np.array([(5, 6),
... (7, 8)], dtype=[(str('a'), 'i4'), (str('b'), 'i4')])
>>> np_utils.vstack([t1, t2])
array([(1, 2),
(3, 4),
(5, 6),
(7, 8)],
dtype=[('a', '<i4'), ('b', '<i4')])
# Store user-provided col_name_map until the end
_col_name_map = col_name_map
# Input validation
if join_type not in ('inner', 'exact', 'outer'):
raise ValueError("`join_type` arg must be one of 'inner', 'exact' or 'outer'")
# Trivial case of one input array
if len(arrays) == 1:
return arrays[0]
# Start by assuming an outer match where all names go to output
names = set(chain(*[arr.dtype.names for arr in arrays]))
col_name_map = get_col_name_map(arrays, names)
# If require_match is True then the output must have exactly the same
# number of columns as each input array
if join_type == 'exact':
for names in six.itervalues(col_name_map):
if any(x is None for x in names):
raise TableMergeError('Inconsistent columns in input arrays '
"(use 'inner' or 'outer' join_type to "
"allow non-matching columns)")
join_type = 'outer'
# For an inner join, keep only columns where all input arrays have that column
if join_type == 'inner':
col_name_map = OrderedDict((name, in_names) for name, in_names in six.iteritems(col_name_map)
if all(x is not None for x in in_names))
if len(col_name_map) == 0:
raise TableMergeError('Input arrays have no columns in common')
# If there are any output columns where one or more input arrays are missing
# then the output must be masked. If any input arrays are masked then
# output is masked.
masked = any(isinstance(arr, ma.MaskedArray) for arr in arrays)
for names in six.itervalues(col_name_map):
if any(x is None for x in names):
masked = True
lens = [len(arr) for arr in arrays]
n_rows = sum(lens)
out_descrs = get_descrs(arrays, col_name_map)
if masked:
# Make a masked array with all values initially masked. Note
# that setting an array value automatically unmasks it.
# See comment in hstack for heritage of this code.
out = ma.masked_array(np.zeros(n_rows, out_descrs),
mask=np.ones(n_rows, ma.make_mask_descr(out_descrs)))
out = np.empty(n_rows, dtype=out_descrs)
for out_name, in_names in six.iteritems(col_name_map):
idx0 = 0
for name, array in izip(in_names, arrays):
idx1 = idx0 + len(array)
if name in array.dtype.names:
out[out_name][idx0:idx1] = array[name]
idx0 = idx1
# If col_name_map supplied as a dict input, then update.
if isinstance(_col_name_map, collections.Mapping):
return out
def hstack(arrays, join_type='exact', uniq_col_name='{col_name}_{table_name}',
table_names=None, col_name_map=None):
Stack structured arrays by horizontally (by columns)
A ``join_type`` of 'exact' (default) means that the arrays must all
have exactly the same number of rows. If ``join_type`` is 'inner' then
the intersection of rows will be output. A value of 'outer' means
the output will have the union of all rows, with array values being
masked where no common values are available.
arrays : List of structured array objects
Structured arrays to stack by columns (horizontally)
join_type : str
Join type ('inner' | 'exact' | 'outer'), default is 'exact'
uniq_col_name : str or None
String generate a unique output column name in case of a conflict.
The default is '{col_name}_{table_name}'.
table_names : list of str or None
Two-element list of table names used when generating unique output
column names. The default is ['1', '2', ..].
To stack two arrays horizontally (by columns) do::
>>> from astropy.table import np_utils
>>> t1 = np.array([(1, 2),
... (3, 4)], dtype=[(str('a'), 'i4'), (str('b'), 'i4')])
>>> t2 = np.array([(5, 6),
... (7, 8)], dtype=[(str('c'), 'i4'), (str('d'), 'i4')])
>>> np_utils.hstack([t1, t2])
array([(1, 2, 5, 6),
(3, 4, 7, 8)],
dtype=[('a', '<i4'), ('b', '<i4'), ('c', '<i4'), ('d', '<i4')])
# Store user-provided col_name_map until the end
_col_name_map = col_name_map
# Input validation
if join_type not in ('inner', 'exact', 'outer'):
raise ValueError("join_type arg must be either 'inner', 'exact' or 'outer'")
if table_names is None:
table_names = ['{0}'.format(ii + 1) for ii in range(len(arrays))]
if len(arrays) != len(table_names):
raise ValueError('Number of arrays must match number of table_names')
# Trivial case of one input arrays
if len(arrays) == 1:
return arrays[0]
col_name_map = get_col_name_map(arrays, [], uniq_col_name, table_names)
# If require_match is True then all input arrays must have the same length
arr_lens = [len(arr) for arr in arrays]
if join_type == 'exact':
if len(set(arr_lens)) > 1:
raise TableMergeError("Inconsistent number of rows in input arrays "
"(use 'inner' or 'outer' join_type to allow "
"non-matching rows)")
join_type = 'outer'
# For an inner join, keep only columns where all input arrays have that column
if join_type == 'inner':
min_arr_len = min(arr_lens)
arrays = [arr[:min_arr_len] for arr in arrays]
arr_lens = [min_arr_len for arr in arrays]
# If there are any output rows where one or more input arrays are missing
# then the output must be masked. If any input arrays are masked then
# output is masked.
masked = (any(isinstance(arr, ma.MaskedArray) for arr in arrays) or
len(set(arr_lens)) > 1)
n_rows = max(arr_lens)
out_descrs = get_descrs(arrays, col_name_map)
if masked:
# Adapted from ma.all_masked() code. Here the array is filled with
# zeros instead of empty. This avoids the bug reported here:
# https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/3276
out = ma.masked_array(np.zeros(n_rows, out_descrs),
mask=np.ones(n_rows, ma.make_mask_descr(out_descrs)))
out = np.empty(n_rows, dtype=out_descrs)
for out_name, in_names in six.iteritems(col_name_map):
for name, array, arr_len in izip(in_names, arrays, arr_lens):
if name is not None:
out[out_name][:arr_len] = array[name]
# If col_name_map supplied as a dict input, then update.
if isinstance(_col_name_map, collections.Mapping):
return out
def get_groups(table, keys):
Get groups for numpy structured array on specified keys.
table : structured array
Table to group
keys : str or list of str
Name(s) of column(s) used to match rows of table.
if isinstance(keys, six.string_types):
keys = (keys,)
# Check the key columns
for name in keys:
if name not in table.dtype.names:
raise TableMergeError('Table does not have key column {1!r}'
if hasattr(table[name], 'mask') and np.any(table[name].mask):
raise TableMergeError('{0} key column {1!r} has missing values'
# Make sure we work with ravelled arrays
table = table.ravel()
len_table = len(table)
# oined array dtype as a list of descr (name, type_str, shape) tuples
col_name_map = get_col_name_map([table], keys)
out_descrs = get_descrs([table], col_name_map)
# Make an array with just the key columns
out_keys_dtype = [descr for descr in out_descrs if descr[0] in keys]
out_keys = np.empty(len_table, dtype=out_keys_dtype)
for key in keys:
out_keys[key] = table[key]
idx_sort = out_keys.argsort(order=keys)
out_keys = out_keys[idx_sort]
# Get all keys
diffs = np.concatenate(([True], out_keys[1:] != out_keys[:-1], [True]))
idxs = np.flatnonzero(diffs)
return idxs, out_keys
def fix_column_name(val):
Fixes column names so that they are compatible with Numpy on
Python 2. Raises a ValueError exception if the column name
contains Unicode characters, which can not reasonably be used as a
column name.
if val is not None:
val = str(val)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
if not six.PY3:
raise ValueError(
"Column names must not contain Unicode characters "
"on Python 2")
return val