# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
Under the hood, there are 3 separate classes that perform different
parts of the transformation:
- `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm`: Is a direct wrapper of the core WCS
functionality in `wcslib`_.
- `~astropy.wcs.Sip`: Handles polynomial distortion as defined in the
`SIP`_ convention.
- `~astropy.wcs.DistortionLookupTable`: Handles `Paper IV`_ distortion
lookup tables.
Additionally, the class `WCS` aggregates all of these transformations
together in a pipeline:
- Detector to image plane correction (by a pair of
`~astropy.wcs.DistortionLookupTable` objects).
- `SIP`_ distortion correction (by an underlying `~astropy.wcs.Sip`
- `Paper IV`_ table-lookup distortion correction (by a pair of
`~astropy.wcs.DistortionLookupTable` objects).
- `wcslib`_ WCS transformation (by a `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm` object)
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import copy
import io
import os
import textwrap
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ..extern import six
from ..io import fits
from . import _docutil as __
from . import _wcs
except ImportError:
_wcs = None
from ..utils import deprecated, deprecated_attribute
from ..utils.compat import possible_filename
from ..utils.exceptions import AstropyWarning, AstropyUserWarning, AstropyDeprecationWarning
if _wcs is not None:
assert _wcs._sanity_check(), \
"astropy.wcs did not pass its sanity check for your build " \
"on your platform."
__all__ = ['FITSFixedWarning', 'WCS', 'find_all_wcs',
'DistortionLookupTable', 'Sip', 'Tabprm', 'Wcsprm',
'WCSBase', 'validate', 'WcsError', 'SingularMatrixError',
'InconsistentAxisTypesError', 'InvalidTransformError',
'InvalidCoordinateError', 'NoSolutionError',
'NoWcsKeywordsFoundError', 'InvalidTabularParametersError']
if _wcs is not None:
WCSBase = _wcs._Wcs
DistortionLookupTable = _wcs.DistortionLookupTable
Sip = _wcs.Sip
Wcsprm = _wcs.Wcsprm
Tabprm = _wcs.Tabprm
WcsError = _wcs.WcsError
SingularMatrixError = _wcs.SingularMatrixError
InconsistentAxisTypesError = _wcs.InconsistentAxisTypesError
InvalidTransformError = _wcs.InvalidTransformError
InvalidCoordinateError = _wcs.InvalidCoordinateError
NoSolutionError = _wcs.NoSolutionError
InvalidSubimageSpecificationError = _wcs.InvalidSubimageSpecificationError
NonseparableSubimageCoordinateSystemError = _wcs.NonseparableSubimageCoordinateSystemError
NoWcsKeywordsFoundError = _wcs.NoWcsKeywordsFoundError
InvalidTabularParametersError = _wcs.InvalidTabularParametersError
# Copy all the constants from the C extension into this module's namespace
for key, val in _wcs.__dict__.items():
if (key.startswith('WCSSUB') or
key.startswith('WCSHDR') or
locals()[key] = val
WCSBase = object
Wcsprm = object
DistortionLookupTable = object
Sip = object
Tabprm = object
WcsError = None
SingularMatrixError = None
InconsistentAxisTypesError = None
InvalidTransformError = None
InvalidCoordinateError = None
NoSolutionError = None
InvalidSubimageSpecificationError = None
NonseparableSubimageCoordinateSystemError = None
NoWcsKeywordsFoundError = None
InvalidTabularParametersError = None
# Additional relax bit flags
WCSHDO_SIP = 0x10000
def _parse_keysel(keysel):
keysel_flags = 0
if keysel is not None:
for element in keysel:
if element.lower() == 'image':
keysel_flags |= _wcs.WCSHDR_IMGHEAD
elif element.lower() == 'binary':
keysel_flags |= _wcs.WCSHDR_BIMGARR
elif element.lower() == 'pixel':
keysel_flags |= _wcs.WCSHDR_PIXLIST
raise ValueError(
"keysel must be a list of 'image', 'binary' " +
"and/or 'pixel'")
keysel_flags = -1
return keysel_flags
[docs]class FITSFixedWarning(AstropyWarning):
The warning raised when the contents of the FITS header have been
modified to be standards compliant.
[docs]class WCS(WCSBase):
WCS objects perform standard WCS transformations, and correct for
`SIP`_ and `Paper IV`_ table-lookup distortions, based on the WCS
keywords and supplementary data read from a FITS file.
header : astropy.io.fits header object, string, dict-like, or None, optional
If *header* is not provided or None, the object will be
initialized to default values.
fobj : An astropy.io.fits file (hdulist) object, optional
It is needed when header keywords point to a `Paper IV`_
Lookup table distortion stored in a different extension.
key : str, optional
The name of a particular WCS transform to use. This may be
either ``' '`` or ``'A'``-``'Z'`` and corresponds to the
``\"a\"`` part of the ``CTYPEia`` cards. *key* may only be
provided if *header* is also provided.
minerr : float, optional
The minimum value a distortion correction must have in order
to be applied. If the value of ``CQERRja`` is smaller than
*minerr*, the corresponding distortion is not applied.
relax : bool or int, optional
Degree of permissiveness:
- `True` (default): Admit all recognized informal extensions
of the WCS standard.
- `False`: Recognize only FITS keywords defined by the
published WCS standard.
- `int`: a bit field selecting specific extensions to accept.
See :ref:`relaxread` for details.
naxis : int or sequence, optional
Extracts specific coordinate axes using
:meth:`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.sub`. If a header is provided, and
*naxis* is not ``None``, *naxis* will be passed to
:meth:`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.sub` in order to select specific
axes from the header. See :meth:`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.sub` for
more details about this parameter.
keysel : sequence of flags, optional
A sequence of flags used to select the keyword types
considered by wcslib. When ``None``, only the standard image
header keywords are considered (and the underlying wcspih() C
function is called). To use binary table image array or pixel
list keywords, *keysel* must be set.
Each element in the list should be one of the following
- 'image': Image header keywords
- 'binary': Binary table image array keywords
- 'pixel': Pixel list keywords
Keywords such as ``EQUIna`` or ``RFRQna`` that are common to
binary table image arrays and pixel lists (including
``WCSNna`` and ``TWCSna``) are selected by both 'binary' and
colsel : sequence of int, optional
A sequence of table column numbers used to restrict the WCS
transformations considered to only those pertaining to the
specified columns. If `None`, there is no restriction.
fix : bool, optional
When `True` (default), call `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.fix` on
the resulting object to fix any non-standard uses in the
header. `FITSFixedWarning` Warnings will be emitted if any
changes were made.
translate_units : str, optional
Specify which potentially unsafe translations of non-standard
unit strings to perform. By default, performs none. See
`WCS.fix` for more information about this parameter. Only
effective when ``fix`` is `True`.
Memory allocation failed.
Invalid key.
Key not found in FITS header.
Lookup table distortion present in the header but *fobj* was
not provided.
1. astropy.wcs supports arbitrary *n* dimensions for the core WCS (the
transformations handled by WCSLIB). However, the Paper IV lookup
table and SIP distortions must be two dimensional. Therefore, if you
try to create a WCS object where the core WCS has a different number
of dimensions than 2 and that object also contains a Paper IV lookup
table or SIP distortion, a `~.exceptions.ValueError` exception will
be raised. To avoid this, consider using the *naxis* kwarg to select
two dimensions from the core WCS.
2. The number of coordinate axes in the transformation is not
determined directly from the ``NAXIS`` keyword but instead from
the highest of:
- ``NAXIS`` keyword
- ``WCSAXESa`` keyword
- The highest axis number in any parameterized WCS keyword.
The keyvalue, as well as the keyword, must be
syntactically valid otherwise it will not be considered.
If none of these keyword types is present, i.e. if the header
only contains auxiliary WCS keywords for a particular
coordinate representation, then no coordinate description is
constructed for it.
The number of axes, which is set as the ``naxis`` member, may
differ for different coordinate representations of the same
3. When the header includes duplicate keywords, in most cases the
last encountered is used.
4. `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.set` is called immediately after
construction, so any invalid keywords or transformations will
be raised by the constructor, not when subsequently calling a
transformation method.
def __init__(self, header=None, fobj=None, key=' ', minerr=0.0,
relax=True, naxis=None, keysel=None, colsel=None,
fix=True, translate_units='', _do_set=True):
close_fds = []
if header is None:
if naxis is None:
naxis = 2
wcsprm = _wcs.Wcsprm(header=None, key=key,
relax=relax, naxis=naxis)
self.naxis = wcsprm.naxis
# Set some reasonable defaults.
det2im = (None, None)
cpdis = (None, None)
sip = None
keysel_flags = _parse_keysel(keysel)
if isinstance(header, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)):
is_path = (possible_filename(header) and
except (IOError, ValueError):
is_path = False
if is_path:
if fobj is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Can not provide both a FITS filename to "
"argument 1 and a FITS file object to argument 2")
fobj = fits.open(header)
header = fobj[0].header
header_string = header.tostring()
header_string = header
elif isinstance(header, fits.Header):
header_string = header.tostring()
# Accept any dict-like object
new_header = fits.Header()
for dict_key in header.keys():
new_header[dict_key] = header[dict_key]
header_string = new_header.tostring()
except TypeError:
raise TypeError(
"header must be a string, an astropy.io.fits.Header "
"object, or a dict-like object")
header_string = header_string.strip()
if isinstance(header_string, six.text_type):
header_bytes = header_string.encode('ascii')
header_string = header_string
header_bytes = header_string
header_string = header_string.decode('ascii')
wcsprm = _wcs.Wcsprm(header=header_bytes, key=key,
relax=relax, keysel=keysel_flags,
except _wcs.NoWcsKeywordsFoundError:
# The header may have SIP or distortions, but no core
# WCS. That isn't an error -- we want a "default"
# (identity) core Wcs transformation in that case.
if colsel is None:
wcsprm = _wcs.Wcsprm(header=None, key=key,
relax=relax, keysel=keysel_flags,
if naxis is not None:
wcsprm = wcsprm.sub(naxis)
self.naxis = wcsprm.naxis
header = fits.Header.fromstring(header_string)
det2im = self._read_det2im_kw(header, fobj, err=minerr)
cpdis = self._read_distortion_kw(
header, fobj, dist='CPDIS', err=minerr)
sip = self._read_sip_kw(header)
if (wcsprm.naxis != 2 and
(det2im[0] or det2im[1] or cpdis[0] or cpdis[1] or sip)):
raise ValueError(
Paper IV lookup tables and SIP distortions only work in 2 dimensions.
However, WCSLIB has detected {0} dimensions in the core WCS keywords.
To use core WCS in conjunction with Paper IV lookup tables or SIP
distortion, you must select or reduce these to 2 dimensions using the
naxis kwarg.
header_naxis = header.get('NAXIS', None)
if header_naxis is not None and header_naxis < wcsprm.naxis:
"The WCS transformation has more axes ({0:d}) than the "
"image it is associated with ({1:d})".format(
wcsprm.naxis, header_naxis), FITSFixedWarning)
WCSBase.__init__(self, sip, cpdis, wcsprm, det2im)
if fix:
if _do_set:
for fd in close_fds:
def __copy__(self):
new_copy = self.__class__()
WCSBase.__init__(new_copy, self.sip,
(self.cpdis1, self.cpdis2),
(self.det2im1, self.det2im2))
return new_copy
def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
new_copy = self.__class__()
new_copy.naxis = copy.deepcopy(self.naxis, memo)
WCSBase.__init__(new_copy, copy.deepcopy(self.sip, memo),
(copy.deepcopy(self.cpdis1, memo),
copy.deepcopy(self.cpdis2, memo)),
copy.deepcopy(self.wcs, memo),
(copy.deepcopy(self.det2im1, memo),
copy.deepcopy(self.det2im2, memo)))
for key in self.__dict__:
val = self.__dict__[key]
new_copy.__dict__[key] = copy.deepcopy(val, memo)
return new_copy
[docs] def copy(self):
Return a shallow copy of the object.
Convenience method so user doesn't have to import the
:mod:`copy` stdlib module.
return copy.copy(self)
[docs] def deepcopy(self):
Return a deep copy of the object.
Convenience method so user doesn't have to import the
:mod:`copy` stdlib module.
return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def sub(self, axes=None):
copy = self.deepcopy()
copy.wcs = self.wcs.sub(axes)
copy.naxis = copy.wcs.naxis
return copy
if _wcs is not None:
sub.__doc__ = _wcs.Wcsprm.sub.__doc__
def _fix_scamp(self):
Remove SCAMP's PVi_m distortion parameters if SIP distortion parameters
are also present. Some projects (e.g., Palomar Transient Factory)
convert SCAMP's distortion parameters (which abuse the PVi_m cards) to
SIP. However, wcslib gets confused by the presence of both SCAMP and
SIP distortion parameters.
See https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/299.
# Nothing to be done if no WCS attached
if self.wcs is None:
# Nothing to be done if no PV parameters attached
pv = self.wcs.get_pv()
if not pv:
# Nothing to be done if axes don't use SIP distortion parameters
if not all(ctype.endswith('-SIP') for ctype in self.wcs.ctype):
# Nothing to be done if any radial terms are present...
# Loop over list to find any radial terms.
# Certain values of the `j' index are used for storing
# radial terms; refer to Equation (1) in
# <http://web.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/shupe/reprints/SIP_to_PV_SPIE2012.pdf>.
pv = np.asarray(pv)
# Loop over distinct values of `i' index
for i in set(pv[:, 0]):
# Get all values of `j' index for this value of `i' index
js = set(pv[:, 1][pv[:, 0] == i])
# Find max value of `j' index
max_j = max(js)
for j in (3, 11, 23, 39):
if j < max_j and j in js:
warnings.warn("Removed redundant SCAMP distortion parameters " +
"because SIP parameters are also present", FITSFixedWarning)
[docs] def fix(self, translate_units='', naxis=None):
Perform the fix operations from wcslib, and warn about any
changes it has made.
translate_units : str, optional
Specify which potentially unsafe translations of
non-standard unit strings to perform. By default,
performs none.
Although ``"S"`` is commonly used to represent seconds,
its translation to ``"s"`` is potentially unsafe since the
standard recognizes ``"S"`` formally as Siemens, however
rarely that may be used. The same applies to ``"H"`` for
hours (Henry), and ``"D"`` for days (Debye).
This string controls what to do in such cases, and is
- If the string contains ``"s"``, translate ``"S"`` to
- If the string contains ``"h"``, translate ``"H"`` to
- If the string contains ``"d"``, translate ``"D"`` to
Thus ``''`` doesn't do any unsafe translations, whereas
``'shd'`` does all of them.
naxis : int array[naxis], optional
Image axis lengths. If this array is set to zero or
``None``, then `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.cylfix` will not be
if self.wcs is not None:
fixes = self.wcs.fix(translate_units, naxis)
for key, val in six.iteritems(fixes):
if val != "No change":
("'{0}' made the change '{1}'.").
format(key, val),
@deprecated("0.4", name="calcFootprint", alternative="calc_footprint")
def _read_det2im_kw(self, header, fobj, err=0.0):
Create a `Paper IV`_ type lookup table for detector to image
plane correction.
if fobj is None:
return (None, None)
if not isinstance(fobj, fits.HDUList):
return (None, None)
axiscorr = header[str('AXISCORR')]
d2imdis = self._read_d2im_old_format(header, fobj, axiscorr)
return d2imdis
except KeyError:
dist = 'D2IMDIS'
d_kw = 'D2IM'
err_kw = 'D2IMERR'
tables = {}
for i in range(1, self.naxis + 1):
d_error = header.get(err_kw + str(i), 0.0)
if d_error < err:
tables[i] = None
distortion = dist + str(i)
if distortion in header:
dis = header[distortion].lower()
if dis == 'lookup':
assert isinstance(fobj, fits.HDUList), ('An astropy.io.fits.HDUList'
'is required for Lookup table distortion.')
dp = (d_kw + str(i)).strip()
d_extver = header.get(dp + '.EXTVER', 1)
if i == header[dp + '.AXIS.{0:d}'.format(i)]:
d_data = fobj[str('D2IMARR'), d_extver].data
d_data = (fobj[str('D2IMARR'), d_extver].data).transpose()
d_header = fobj[str('D2IMARR'), d_extver].header
d_crpix = (d_header.get(str('CRPIX1'), 0.0), d_header.get(str('CRPIX2'), 0.0))
d_crval = (d_header.get(str('CRVAL1'), 0.0), d_header.get(str('CRVAL2'), 0.0))
d_cdelt = (d_header.get(str('CDELT1'), 1.0), d_header.get(str('CDELT2'), 1.0))
d_lookup = DistortionLookupTable(d_data, d_crpix,
d_crval, d_cdelt)
tables[i] = d_lookup
warnings.warn('Polynomial distortion is not implemented.\n', AstropyUserWarning)
tables[i] = None
if not tables:
return (None, None)
return (tables.get(1), tables.get(2))
def _read_d2im_old_format(self, header, fobj, axiscorr):
warnings.warn("The use of ``AXISCORR`` for D2IM correction has been deprecated."
"`~astropy.wcs` will read in files with ``AXISCORR`` but ``to_fits()`` will write "
"out files without it.",
cpdis = [None, None]
crpix = [0., 0.]
crval = [0., 0.]
cdelt = [1., 1.]
d2im_data = fobj[(str('D2IMARR'), 1)].data
except KeyError:
return (None, None)
except AttributeError:
return (None, None)
d2im_data = np.array([d2im_data])
d2im_hdr = fobj[(str('D2IMARR'), 1)].header
naxis = d2im_hdr[str('NAXIS')]
for i in range(1, naxis + 1):
crpix[i - 1] = d2im_hdr.get(str('CRPIX') + str(i), 0.0)
crval[i - 1] = d2im_hdr.get(str('CRVAL') + str(i), 0.0)
cdelt[i - 1] = d2im_hdr.get(str('CDELT') + str(i), 1.0)
cpdis = DistortionLookupTable(d2im_data, crpix, crval, cdelt)
if axiscorr == 1:
return (cpdis, None)
elif axiscorr == 2:
return (None, cpdis)
warnings.warn("Expected AXISCORR to be 1 or 2", AstropyUserWarning)
return (None, None)
def _write_det2im(self, hdulist):
Writes a Paper IV type lookup table to the given
if self.det2im1 is None and self.det2im2 is None:
dist = 'D2IMDIS'
d_kw = 'D2IM'
err_kw = 'D2IMERR'
def write_d2i(num, det2im):
if det2im is None:
str('{0}{1:d}').format(dist, num),
hdulist[0].header[str('{0}{1:d}').format(dist, num)] = (
'LOOKUP', 'Detector to image correction type')
hdulist[0].header[str('{0}{1:d}.EXTVER').format(d_kw, num)] = (
num, 'Version number of WCSDVARR extension')
hdulist[0].header[str('{0}{1:d}.NAXES').format(d_kw, num)] = (
len(det2im.data.shape), 'Number of independent variables in d2im function')
for i in range(det2im.data.ndim):
hdulist[0].header[str('{0}{1:d}.AXIS.{2:d}').format(d_kw, num, i + 1)] = (
i + 1, 'Axis number of the jth independent variable in a d2im function')
image = fits.ImageHDU(det2im.data, name=str('D2IMARR'))
header = image.header
header[str('CRPIX1')] = (det2im.crpix[0],
'Coordinate system reference pixel')
header[str('CRPIX2')] = (det2im.crpix[1],
'Coordinate system reference pixel')
header[str('CRVAL1')] = (det2im.crval[0],
'Coordinate system value at reference pixel')
header[str('CRVAL2')] = (det2im.crval[1],
'Coordinate system value at reference pixel')
header[str('CDELT1')] = (det2im.cdelt[0],
'Coordinate increment along axis')
header[str('CDELT2')] = (det2im.cdelt[1],
'Coordinate increment along axis')
int(hdulist[0].header[str('{0}{1:d}.EXTVER').format(d_kw, num)]))
write_d2i(1, self.det2im1)
write_d2i(2, self.det2im2)
def _read_distortion_kw(self, header, fobj, dist='CPDIS', err=0.0):
Reads `Paper IV`_ table-lookup distortion keywords and data,
and returns a 2-tuple of `~astropy.wcs.DistortionLookupTable`
If no `Paper IV`_ distortion keywords are found, ``(None,
None)`` is returned.
if isinstance(header, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)):
return (None, None)
if dist == 'CPDIS':
d_kw = str('DP')
err_kw = str('CPERR')
d_kw = str('DQ')
err_kw = str('CQERR')
tables = {}
for i in range(1, self.naxis + 1):
d_error = header.get(err_kw + str(i), 0.0)
if d_error < err:
tables[i] = None
distortion = dist + str(i)
if distortion in header:
dis = header[distortion].lower()
if dis == 'lookup':
assert isinstance(fobj, fits.HDUList), \
'An astropy.io.fits.HDUList is required for ' + \
'Lookup table distortion.'
dp = (d_kw + str(i)).strip()
d_extver = header.get(dp + str('.EXTVER'), 1)
if i == header[dp + str('.AXIS.') + str(i)]:
d_data = fobj[str('WCSDVARR'), d_extver].data
d_data = (fobj[str('WCSDVARR'), d_extver].data).transpose()
d_header = fobj[str('WCSDVARR'), d_extver].header
d_crpix = (d_header.get(str('CRPIX1'), 0.0),
d_header.get(str('CRPIX2'), 0.0))
d_crval = (d_header.get(str('CRVAL1'), 0.0),
d_header.get(str('CRVAL2'), 0.0))
d_cdelt = (d_header.get(str('CDELT1'), 1.0),
d_header.get(str('CDELT2'), 1.0))
d_lookup = DistortionLookupTable(d_data, d_crpix, d_crval, d_cdelt)
tables[i] = d_lookup
warnings.warn('Polynomial distortion is not implemented.\n', AstropyUserWarning)
tables[i] = None
if not tables:
return (None, None)
return (tables.get(1), tables.get(2))
def _write_distortion_kw(self, hdulist, dist='CPDIS'):
Write out Paper IV distortion keywords to the given
if self.cpdis1 is None and self.cpdis2 is None:
if dist == 'CPDIS':
d_kw = str('DP')
err_kw = str('CPERR')
d_kw = str('DQ')
err_kw = str('CQERR')
def write_dist(num, cpdis):
if cpdis is None:
hdulist[0].header[str('{0}{1:d}').format(dist, num)] = (
'LOOKUP', 'Prior distortion function type')
hdulist[0].header[str('{0}{1:d}.EXTVER').format(d_kw, num)] = (
num, 'Version number of WCSDVARR extension')
hdulist[0].header[str('{0}{1:d}.NAXES').format(d_kw, num)] = (
len(cpdis.data.shape), 'Number of independent variables in distortion function')
for i in range(cpdis.data.ndim):
hdulist[0].header[str('{0}{1:d}.AXIS.{2:d}').format(d_kw, num, i + 1)] = (
i + 1,
'Axis number of the jth independent variable in a distortion function')
image = fits.ImageHDU(cpdis.data, name=str('WCSDVARR'))
header = image.header
header[str('CRPIX1')] = (cpdis.crpix[0], 'Coordinate system reference pixel')
header[str('CRPIX2')] = (cpdis.crpix[1], 'Coordinate system reference pixel')
header[str('CRVAL1')] = (cpdis.crval[0], 'Coordinate system value at reference pixel')
header[str('CRVAL2')] = (cpdis.crval[1], 'Coordinate system value at reference pixel')
header[str('CDELT1')] = (cpdis.cdelt[0], 'Coordinate increment along axis')
header[str('CDELT2')] = (cpdis.cdelt[1], 'Coordinate increment along axis')
int(hdulist[0].header[str('{0}{1:d}.EXTVER').format(d_kw, num)]))
write_dist(1, self.cpdis1)
write_dist(2, self.cpdis2)
def _read_sip_kw(self, header):
Reads `SIP`_ header keywords and returns a `~astropy.wcs.Sip`
If no `SIP`_ header keywords are found, ``None`` is returned.
if isinstance(header, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)):
# TODO: Parse SIP from a string without pyfits around
return None
if str("A_ORDER") in header and header[str('A_ORDER')] > 1:
if str("B_ORDER") not in header:
raise ValueError(
"A_ORDER provided without corresponding B_ORDER "
"keyword for SIP distortion")
m = int(header[str("A_ORDER")])
a = np.zeros((m + 1, m + 1), np.double)
for i in range(m + 1):
for j in range(m - i + 1):
a[i, j] = header.get((str("A_{0}_{1}").format(i, j)), 0.0)
m = int(header[str("B_ORDER")])
if m > 1:
b = np.zeros((m + 1, m + 1), np.double)
for i in range(m + 1):
for j in range(m - i + 1):
b[i, j] = header.get((str("B_{0}_{1}").format(i, j)), 0.0)
a = None
b = None
elif str("B_ORDER") in header and header[str('B_ORDER')] > 1:
raise ValueError(
"B_ORDER provided without corresponding A_ORDER " +
"keyword for SIP distortion")
a = None
b = None
if str("AP_ORDER") in header and header[str('AP_ORDER')] > 1:
if str("BP_ORDER") not in header:
raise ValueError(
"AP_ORDER provided without corresponding BP_ORDER "
"keyword for SIP distortion")
m = int(header[str("AP_ORDER")])
ap = np.zeros((m + 1, m + 1), np.double)
for i in range(m + 1):
for j in range(m - i + 1):
ap[i, j] = header.get("AP_{0}_{1}".format(i, j), 0.0)
m = int(header[str("BP_ORDER")])
if m > 1:
bp = np.zeros((m + 1, m + 1), np.double)
for i in range(m + 1):
for j in range(m - i + 1):
bp[i, j] = header.get("BP_{0}_{1}".format(i, j), 0.0)
ap = None
bp = None
elif str("BP_ORDER") in header and header[str('BP_ORDER')] > 1:
raise ValueError(
"BP_ORDER provided without corresponding AP_ORDER "
"keyword for SIP distortion")
ap = None
bp = None
if a is None and b is None and ap is None and bp is None:
return None
if str("CRPIX1") not in header or str("CRPIX2") not in header:
raise ValueError(
"Header has SIP keywords without CRPIX keywords")
crpix1 = header.get("CRPIX1")
crpix2 = header.get("CRPIX2")
return Sip(a, b, ap, bp, (crpix1, crpix2))
def _write_sip_kw(self):
Write out SIP keywords. Returns a dictionary of key-value
if self.sip is None:
return {}
keywords = {}
def write_array(name, a):
if a is None:
size = a.shape[0]
keywords[str('{0}_ORDER').format(name)] = size - 1
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size - i):
if a[i, j] != 0.0:
str('{0}_{1:d}_{2:d}').format(name, i, j)] = a[i, j]
write_array(str('A'), self.sip.a)
write_array(str('B'), self.sip.b)
write_array(str('AP'), self.sip.ap)
write_array(str('BP'), self.sip.bp)
return keywords
def _denormalize_sky(self, sky):
if self.wcs.lngtyp != 'RA':
raise ValueError(
"WCS does not have longitude type of 'RA', therefore " +
"(ra, dec) data can not be used as input")
if self.wcs.lattyp != 'DEC':
raise ValueError(
"WCS does not have longitude type of 'DEC', therefore " +
"(ra, dec) data can not be used as input")
if self.wcs.naxis == 2:
if self.wcs.lng == 0 and self.wcs.lat == 1:
return sky
elif self.wcs.lng == 1 and self.wcs.lat == 0:
# Reverse the order of the columns
return sky[:, ::-1]
raise ValueError(
"WCS does not have longitude and latitude celestial " +
"axes, therefore (ra, dec) data can not be used as input")
if self.wcs.lng < 0 or self.wcs.lat < 0:
raise ValueError(
"WCS does not have both longitude and latitude "
"celestial axes, therefore (ra, dec) data can not be " +
"used as input")
out = np.zeros((sky.shape[0], self.wcs.naxis))
out[:, self.wcs.lng] = sky[:, 0]
out[:, self.wcs.lat] = sky[:, 1]
return out
def _normalize_sky(self, sky):
if self.wcs.lngtyp != 'RA':
raise ValueError(
"WCS does not have longitude type of 'RA', therefore " +
"(ra, dec) data can not be returned")
if self.wcs.lattyp != 'DEC':
raise ValueError(
"WCS does not have longitude type of 'DEC', therefore " +
"(ra, dec) data can not be returned")
if self.wcs.naxis == 2:
if self.wcs.lng == 0 and self.wcs.lat == 1:
return sky
elif self.wcs.lng == 1 and self.wcs.lat == 0:
# Reverse the order of the columns
return sky[:, ::-1]
raise ValueError(
"WCS does not have longitude and latitude celestial "
"axes, therefore (ra, dec) data can not be returned")
if self.wcs.lng < 0 or self.wcs.lat < 0:
raise ValueError(
"WCS does not have both longitude and latitude celestial "
"axes, therefore (ra, dec) data can not be returned")
out = np.empty((sky.shape[0], 2))
out[:, 0] = sky[:, self.wcs.lng]
out[:, 1] = sky[:, self.wcs.lat]
return out
def _array_converter(self, func, sky, *args, **kwargs):
A helper function to support reading either a pair of arrays
or a single Nx2 array.
ra_dec_order = kwargs.pop('ra_dec_order', False)
if len(kwargs):
raise TypeError("Unexpected keyword argument {0!r}".format(
def _return_list_of_arrays(axes, origin):
axes = np.broadcast_arrays(*axes)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(
"Coordinate arrays are not broadcastable to each other")
xy = np.hstack([x.reshape((x.size, 1)) for x in axes])
if ra_dec_order and sky == 'input':
xy = self._denormalize_sky(xy)
output = func(xy, origin)
if ra_dec_order and sky == 'output':
output = self._normalize_sky(output)
return (output[:, 0].reshape(axes[0].shape),
output[:, 1].reshape(axes[0].shape))
return [output[:, i].reshape(axes[0].shape)
for i in range(output.shape[1])]
def _return_single_array(xy, origin):
if xy.shape[-1] != self.naxis:
raise ValueError(
"When providing two arguments, the array must be "
"of shape (N, {0})".format(self.naxis))
if ra_dec_order and sky == 'input':
xy = self._denormalize_sky(xy)
result = func(xy, origin)
if ra_dec_order and sky == 'output':
result = self._normalize_sky(result)
return result
if len(args) == 2:
xy, origin = args
xy = np.asarray(xy)
origin = int(origin)
raise TypeError(
"When providing two arguments, they must be "
"(coords[N][{0}], origin)".format(self.naxis))
if self.naxis == 1 and len(xy.shape) == 1:
return _return_list_of_arrays([xy], origin)
return _return_single_array(xy, origin)
elif len(args) == self.naxis + 1:
axes = args[:-1]
origin = args[-1]
axes = [np.asarray(x) for x in axes]
origin = int(origin)
raise TypeError(
"When providing more than two arguments, they must be " +
"a 1-D array for each axis, followed by an origin.")
return _return_list_of_arrays(axes, origin)
raise TypeError(
"WCS projection has {0} dimensions, so expected 2 (an Nx{0} array "
"and the origin argument) or {1} arguments (the position in each "
"dimension, and the origin argument). Instead, {2} arguments were "
self.naxis, self.naxis + 1, len(args)))
[docs] def all_pix2world(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._array_converter(
self._all_pix2world, 'output', *args, **kwargs)
all_pix2world.__doc__ = """
Transforms pixel coordinates to world coordinates.
Performs all of the following in order:
- Detector to image plane correction (optionally)
- `SIP`_ distortion correction (optionally)
- `Paper IV`_ table-lookup distortion correction (optionally)
- `wcslib`_ WCS transformation
For a transformation that is not two-dimensional, the
two-argument form must be used.
The order of the axes for the result is determined by the
``CTYPEia`` keywords in the FITS header, therefore it may not
always be of the form (*ra*, *dec*). The
`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lat`, `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lng`,
`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lattyp` and `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lngtyp`
members can be used to determine the order of the axes.
Memory allocation failed.
Linear transformation matrix is singular.
Inconsistent or unrecognized coordinate axis types.
Invalid parameter value.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
x- and y-coordinate arrays are not the same size.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
Ill-conditioned coordinate transformation parameters.
""".format(__.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('naxis', 8),
__.RETURNS('sky coordinates, in degrees', 8))
[docs] def wcs_pix2world(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.wcs is None:
raise ValueError("No basic WCS settings were created.")
return self._array_converter(
lambda xy, o: self.wcs.p2s(xy, o)['world'],
'output', *args, **kwargs)
wcs_pix2world.__doc__ = """
Transforms pixel coordinates to world coordinates by doing
only the basic `wcslib`_ transformation.
No `SIP`_ or `Paper IV`_ table lookup distortion correction is
applied. To perform distortion correction, see
`~astropy.wcs.WCS.sip_pix2foc`, `~astropy.wcs.WCS.p4_pix2foc`,
or `~astropy.wcs.WCS.pix2foc`.
For a transformation that is not two-dimensional, the
two-argument form must be used.
Memory allocation failed.
Linear transformation matrix is singular.
Inconsistent or unrecognized coordinate axis types.
Invalid parameter value.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
x- and y-coordinate arrays are not the same size.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
Ill-conditioned coordinate transformation parameters.
The order of the axes for the result is determined by the
``CTYPEia`` keywords in the FITS header, therefore it may not
always be of the form (*ra*, *dec*). The
`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lat`, `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lng`,
`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lattyp` and `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lngtyp`
members can be used to determine the order of the axes.
""".format(__.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('naxis', 8),
__.RETURNS('world coordinates, in degrees', 8))
def _all_world2pix(self, world, origin, tolerance, **kwargs):
import scipy.optimize
pix = []
for i in range(len(world)):
x0 = self.wcs_world2pix(np.atleast_2d(world[i]), origin,
func = lambda pix: (self.all_pix2world(np.atleast_2d(pix),
origin, **kwargs) - world[i]).flatten()
# Use Broyden inverse because it is (a) present in a wide range of
# Scipy version, (b) provides an option for the absolute tolerance,
# and (c) is suitable for small-scale problems (i.e., a few
# variables, rather than hundreds of variables).
soln = scipy.optimize.broyden1(func, x0, x_tol=tolerance)
return np.asarray(pix)
[docs] def all_world2pix(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.wcs is None:
raise ValueError("No basic WCS settings were created.")
tolerance = kwargs.pop('tolerance', 1e-6)
return self._array_converter(lambda *args, **kwargs:
self._all_world2pix(*args, tolerance=tolerance, **kwargs),
'input', *args,
all_world2pix.__doc__ = """
Transforms world coordinates to pixel coordinates, using numerical
iteration to invert the method `~astropy.wcs.WCS.all_pix2world` within a
tolerance of 1e-6 pixels.
Note that to use this function, you must have Scipy installed.
For a transformation that is not two-dimensional, the
two-argument form must be used.
tolerance : float, optional
Tolerance of solution. Iteration terminates when the iterative
solver estimates that the true solution is within this many pixels
current estimate. Default value is 1e-6 (pixels).
The order of the axes for the input world array is determined by
the ``CTYPEia`` keywords in the FITS header, therefore it may
not always be of the form (*ra*, *dec*). The
`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lat`, `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lng`,
`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lattyp` and `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lngtyp`
members can be used to determine the order of the axes.
Memory allocation failed.
Linear transformation matrix is singular.
Inconsistent or unrecognized coordinate axis types.
Invalid parameter value.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
x- and y-coordinate arrays are not the same size.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
Ill-conditioned coordinate transformation parameters.
""".format(__.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('naxis', 8),
__.RETURNS('pixel coordinates', 8))
[docs] def wcs_world2pix(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.wcs is None:
raise ValueError("No basic WCS settings were created.")
return self._array_converter(
lambda xy, o: self.wcs.s2p(xy, o)['pixcrd'],
'input', *args, **kwargs)
wcs_world2pix.__doc__ = """
Transforms world coordinates to pixel coordinates, using only
the basic `wcslib`_ WCS transformation. No `SIP`_ or `Paper
IV`_ table lookup distortion is applied.
For a transformation that is not two-dimensional, the
two-argument form must be used.
The order of the axes for the input world array is determined by
the ``CTYPEia`` keywords in the FITS header, therefore it may
not always be of the form (*ra*, *dec*). The
`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lat`, `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lng`,
`~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lattyp` and `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.lngtyp`
members can be used to determine the order of the axes.
Memory allocation failed.
Linear transformation matrix is singular.
Inconsistent or unrecognized coordinate axis types.
Invalid parameter value.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
x- and y-coordinate arrays are not the same size.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
Ill-conditioned coordinate transformation parameters.
""".format(__.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('naxis', 8),
__.RETURNS('pixel coordinates', 8))
[docs] def pix2foc(self, *args):
return self._array_converter(self._pix2foc, None, *args)
pix2foc.__doc__ = """
Convert pixel coordinates to focal plane coordinates using the
`SIP`_ polynomial distortion convention and `Paper IV`_
table-lookup distortion correction.
The output is in absolute pixel coordinates, not relative to
Memory allocation failed.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
""".format(__.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('2', 8),
__.RETURNS('focal coordinates', 8))
[docs] def p4_pix2foc(self, *args):
return self._array_converter(self._p4_pix2foc, None, *args)
p4_pix2foc.__doc__ = """
Convert pixel coordinates to focal plane coordinates using
`Paper IV`_ table-lookup distortion correction.
The output is in absolute pixel coordinates, not relative to
Memory allocation failed.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
""".format(__.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('2', 8),
__.RETURNS('focal coordinates', 8))
[docs] def det2im(self, *args):
return self._array_converter(self._det2im, None, *args)
det2im.__doc__ = """
Convert detector coordinates to image plane coordinates using
`Paper IV`_ table-lookup distortion correction.
The output is in absolute pixel coordinates, not relative to
Memory allocation failed.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
""".format(__.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('2', 8),
__.RETURNS('pixel coordinates', 8))
[docs] def sip_pix2foc(self, *args):
if self.sip is None:
if len(args) == 2:
return args[0]
elif len(args) == 3:
return args[:2]
raise TypeError("Wrong number of arguments")
return self._array_converter(self.sip.pix2foc, None, *args)
sip_pix2foc.__doc__ = """
Convert pixel coordinates to focal plane coordinates using the
`SIP`_ polynomial distortion convention.
The output is in pixel coordinates, relative to ``CRPIX``.
`Paper IV`_ table lookup distortion correction is not applied,
even if that information existed in the FITS file that
initialized this :class:`~astropy.wcs.WCS` object. To correct
for that, use `~astropy.wcs.WCS.pix2foc` or
Memory allocation failed.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
""".format(__.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('2', 8),
__.RETURNS('focal coordinates', 8))
[docs] def sip_foc2pix(self, *args):
if self.sip is None:
if len(args) == 2:
return args[0]
elif len(args) == 3:
return args[:2]
raise TypeError("Wrong number of arguments")
return self._array_converter(self.sip.foc2pix, None, *args)
sip_foc2pix.__doc__ = """
Convert focal plane coordinates to pixel coordinates using the
`SIP`_ polynomial distortion convention.
`Paper IV`_ table lookup distortion correction is not applied,
even if that information existed in the FITS file that
initialized this `~astropy.wcs.WCS` object.
Memory allocation failed.
Invalid coordinate transformation parameters.
""".format(__.TWO_OR_MORE_ARGS('2', 8),
__.RETURNS('pixel coordinates', 8))
[docs] def to_fits(self, relax=False, key=None):
Generate an `astropy.io.fits.HDUList` object with all of the
information stored in this object. This should be logically identical
to the input FITS file, but it will be normalized in a number of ways.
See `to_header` for some warnings about the output produced.
relax : bool or int, optional
Degree of permissiveness:
- `False` (default): Write all extensions that are
considered to be safe and recommended.
- `True`: Write all recognized informal extensions of the
WCS standard.
- `int`: a bit field selecting specific extensions to
write. See :ref:`relaxwrite` for details.
key : str
The name of a particular WCS transform to use. This may be
either ``' '`` or ``'A'``-``'Z'`` and corresponds to the ``"a"``
part of the ``CTYPEia`` cards.
hdulist : `astropy.io.fits.HDUList`
header = self.to_header(relax=relax, key=key)
hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=header)
hdulist = fits.HDUList(hdu)
return hdulist
def _get_naxis(self, header=None):
self._naxis1 = 0
self._naxis2 = 0
if (header is not None and
not isinstance(header, (six.text_type, six.binary_type))):
self._naxis1 = header.get('NAXIS1', 0)
self._naxis2 = header.get('NAXIS2', 0)
[docs] def rotateCD(self, theta):
_theta = np.deg2rad(theta)
_mrot = np.zeros(shape=(2, 2), dtype=np.double)
_mrot[0] = (np.cos(_theta), np.sin(_theta))
_mrot[1] = (-np.sin(_theta), np.cos(_theta))
new_cd = np.dot(self.wcs.cd, _mrot)
self.wcs.cd = new_cd
[docs] def printwcs(self):
print("WCS Keywords\n")
print("Number of WCS axes: {0!r}".format(self.naxis))
sfmt = ': ' + "".join(["{"+"{0}".format(i)+"!r} " for i in range(self.naxis)])
s = 'CTYPE ' + sfmt
s = 'CRVAL ' + sfmt
s = 'CRPIX ' + sfmt
if hasattr(self.wcs, 'pc'):
for i in range(self.naxis):
s = ''
for j in range(self.naxis):
s += ''.join(['PC', str(i+1), '_', str(j+1), ' '])
s += sfmt
s = 'CDELT ' + sfmt
elif hasattr(self.wcs, 'cd'):
for i in range(self.naxis):
s = ''
for j in range(self.naxis):
s += "".join(['CD', str(i+1), '_', str(j+1), ' '])
s += sfmt
print('NAXIS : {0!r} {1!r}'.format(self._naxis1, self._naxis2))
[docs] def get_axis_types(self):
Similar to `self.wcsprm.axis_types <astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.axis_types>`
but provides the information in a more Python-friendly format.
result : list of dicts
Returns a list of dictionaries, one for each axis, each
containing attributes about the type of that axis.
Each dictionary has the following keys:
- 'coordinate_type':
- None: Non-specific coordinate type.
- 'stokes': Stokes coordinate.
- 'celestial': Celestial coordinate (including ``CUBEFACE``).
- 'spectral': Spectral coordinate.
- 'scale':
- 'linear': Linear axis.
- 'quantized': Quantized axis (``STOKES``, ``CUBEFACE``).
- 'non-linear celestial': Non-linear celestial axis.
- 'non-linear spectral': Non-linear spectral axis.
- 'logarithmic': Logarithmic axis.
- 'tabular': Tabular axis.
- 'group'
- Group number, e.g. lookup table number
- 'number'
- For celestial axes:
- 0: Longitude coordinate.
- 1: Latitude coordinate.
- 2: ``CUBEFACE`` number.
- For lookup tables:
- the axis number in a multidimensional table.
``CTYPEia`` in ``"4-3"`` form with unrecognized algorithm code will
generate an error.
if self.wcs is None:
raise AttributeError(
"This WCS object does not have a wcsprm object.")
coordinate_type_map = {
0: None,
1: 'stokes',
2: 'celestial',
3: 'spectral'}
scale_map = {
0: 'linear',
1: 'quantized',
2: 'non-linear celestial',
3: 'non-linear spectral',
4: 'logarithmic',
5: 'tabular'}
result = []
for axis_type in self.wcs.axis_types:
subresult = {}
coordinate_type = (axis_type // 1000) % 10
subresult['coordinate_type'] = coordinate_type_map[coordinate_type]
scale = (axis_type // 100) % 10
subresult['scale'] = scale_map[scale]
group = (axis_type // 10) % 10
subresult['group'] = group
number = axis_type % 10
subresult['number'] = number
return result
def __reduce__(self):
Support pickling of WCS objects. This is done by serializing
to an in-memory FITS file and dumping that as a string.
hdulist = self.to_fits(relax=True)
buffer = io.BytesIO()
return (__WCS_unpickle__,
(self.__class__, self.__dict__, buffer.getvalue(),))
[docs] def dropaxis(self, dropax):
Remove an axis from the WCS.
wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
The WCS with naxis to be chopped to naxis-1
dropax : int
The index of the WCS to drop, counting from 0 (i.e., python convention,
not FITS convention)
A new `~astropy.wcs.WCS` instance with one axis fewer
inds = list(range(self.wcs.naxis))
# axis 0 has special meaning to sub
# if wcs.wcs.ctype == ['RA','DEC','VLSR'], you want
# wcs.sub([1,2]) to get 'RA','DEC' back
return self.sub([i+1 for i in inds])
[docs] def swapaxes(self, ax0, ax1):
Swap axes in a WCS.
wcs: `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
The WCS to have its axes swapped
ax0: int
ax1: int
The indices of the WCS to be swapped, counting from 0 (i.e., python
convention, not FITS convention)
A new `~astropy.wcs.WCS` instance with the same number of axes, but two
inds = list(range(self.wcs.naxis))
inds[ax0],inds[ax1] = inds[ax1],inds[ax0]
return self.sub([i+1 for i in inds])
[docs] def reorient_celestial_first(self):
Reorient the WCS such that the celestial axes are first, followed by
the spectral axis, followed by any others.
Assumes at least celestial axes are present.
[docs] def slice(self, view, numpy_order=True):
Slice a WCS instance using a Numpy slice. The order of the slice should
be reversed (as for the data) compared to the natural WCS order.
view : tuple
A tuple containing the same number of slices as the WCS system.
The ``step`` method, the third argument to a slice, is not
presently supported.
numpy_order : bool
Use numpy order, i.e. slice the WCS so that an identical slice
applied to a numpy array will slice the array and WCS in the same
way. If set to `False`, the WCS will be sliced in FITS order,
meaning the first slice will be applied to the *last* numpy index
but the *first* WCS axis.
wcs_new : `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
A new resampled WCS axis
if hasattr(view, '__len__') and len(view) > self.wcs.naxis:
raise ValueError("Must have # of slices <= # of WCS axes")
elif not hasattr(view, '__len__'): # view MUST be an iterable
view = [view]
if not all([isinstance(x, slice) for x in view]):
raise ValueError("Cannot downsample a WCS with indexing. Use "
"wcs.sub or wcs.dropaxis if you want to remove "
wcs_new = self.deepcopy()
for i, iview in enumerate(view):
if iview.start is not None:
if numpy_order:
wcs_index = self.wcs.naxis - 1 - i
wcs_index = i
if iview.step not in (None, 1):
crpix = self.wcs.crpix[wcs_index]
cdelt = self.wcs.cdelt[wcs_index]
# equivalently (keep this comment so you can compare eqns):
# wcs_new.wcs.crpix[wcs_index] =
# (crpix - iview.start)*iview.step + 0.5 - iview.step/2.
crp = ((crpix - iview.start - 1.)/iview.step
+ 0.5 + 1./iview.step/2.)
wcs_new.wcs.crpix[wcs_index] = crp
wcs_new.wcs.cdelt[wcs_index] = cdelt * iview.step
wcs_new.wcs.crpix[wcs_index] -= iview.start
return wcs_new
def __getitem__(self, item):
# "getitem" is a shortcut for self.slice; it is very limited
# there is no obvious and unambiguous interpretation of wcs[1,2,3]
# We COULD allow wcs[1] to link to wcs.sub([2])
# (wcs[i] -> wcs.sub([i+1])
return self.slice(item)
def axis_type_names(self):
World names for each coordinate axis
A list of names along each axis
names = list(self.wcs.cname)
types = self.wcs.ctype
for i in range(len(names)):
if len(names[i]) > 0:
names[i] = types[i].split('-')[0]
return names
def __WCS_unpickle__(cls, dct, fits_data):
Unpickles a WCS object from a serialized FITS string.
self = cls.__new__(cls)
buffer = io.BytesIO(fits_data)
hdulist = fits.open(buffer)
WCS.__init__(self, hdulist[0].header, hdulist)
return self
[docs]def find_all_wcs(header, relax=True, keysel=None, fix=True,
Find all the WCS transformations in the given header.
header : str or astropy.io.fits header object.
relax : bool or int, optional
Degree of permissiveness:
- `True` (default): Admit all recognized informal extensions of the
WCS standard.
- `False`: Recognize only FITS keywords defined by the
published WCS standard.
- `int`: a bit field selecting specific extensions to accept.
See :ref:`relaxread` for details.
keysel : sequence of flags, optional
A list of flags used to select the keyword types considered by
wcslib. When ``None``, only the standard image header
keywords are considered (and the underlying wcspih() C
function is called). To use binary table image array or pixel
list keywords, *keysel* must be set.
Each element in the list should be one of the following strings:
- 'image': Image header keywords
- 'binary': Binary table image array keywords
- 'pixel': Pixel list keywords
Keywords such as ``EQUIna`` or ``RFRQna`` that are common to
binary table image arrays and pixel lists (including
``WCSNna`` and ``TWCSna``) are selected by both 'binary' and
fix : bool, optional
When `True` (default), call `~astropy.wcs.Wcsprm.fix` on
the resulting objects to fix any non-standard uses in the
header. `FITSFixedWarning` warnings will be emitted if any
changes were made.
translate_units : str, optional
Specify which potentially unsafe translations of non-standard
unit strings to perform. By default, performs none. See
`WCS.fix` for more information about this parameter. Only
effective when ``fix`` is `True`.
wcses : list of `WCS` objects
if isinstance(header, (six.text_type, six.binary_type)):
header_string = header
elif isinstance(header, fits.Header):
header_string = header.tostring()
raise TypeError(
"header must be a string or astropy.io.fits.Header object")
keysel_flags = _parse_keysel(keysel)
if isinstance(header_string, six.text_type):
header_bytes = header_string.encode('ascii')
header_bytes = header_string
wcsprms = _wcs.find_all_wcs(header_bytes, relax, keysel_flags)
result = []
for wcsprm in wcsprms:
subresult = WCS(fix=False, _do_set=False)
subresult.wcs = wcsprm
if fix:
if _do_set:
return result
[docs]def validate(source):
Prints a WCS validation report for the given FITS file.
source : str path, readable file-like object or `astropy.io.fits.HDUList` object
The FITS file to validate.
results : WcsValidateResults instance
The result is returned as nested lists. The first level
corresponds to the HDUs in the given file. The next level has
an entry for each WCS found in that header. The special
subclass of list will pretty-print the results as a table when
class _WcsValidateWcsResult(list):
def __init__(self, key):
self._key = key
def __repr__(self):
result = [" WCS key '{0}':".format(self._key or ' ')]
if len(self):
for entry in self:
for i, line in enumerate(entry.splitlines()):
if i == 0:
initial_indent = ' - '
initial_indent = ' '
subsequent_indent=' '))
result.append(" No issues.")
return '\n'.join(result)
class _WcsValidateHduResult(list):
def __init__(self, hdu_index, hdu_name):
self._hdu_index = hdu_index
self._hdu_name = hdu_name
def __repr__(self):
if len(self):
if self._hdu_name:
hdu_name = ' ({0})'.format(self._hdu_name)
hdu_name = ''
result = ['HDU {0}{1}:'.format(self._hdu_index, hdu_name)]
for wcs in self:
return '\n'.join(result)
return ''
class _WcsValidateResults(list):
def __repr__(self):
result = []
for hdu in self:
content = repr(hdu)
if len(content):
return '\n\n'.join(result)
global __warningregistry__
if isinstance(source, fits.HDUList):
hdulist = source
hdulist = fits.open(source)
results = _WcsValidateResults()
for i, hdu in enumerate(hdulist):
hdu_results = _WcsValidateHduResult(i, hdu.name)
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_lines:
wcses = find_all_wcs(
hdu.header, relax=True, fix=False, _do_set=False)
for wcs in wcses:
wcs_results = _WcsValidateWcsResult(wcs.wcs.alt)
del __warningregistry__
except NameError:
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warning_lines:
"always", FITSFixedWarning, append=True)
key=wcs.wcs.alt or ' ',
relax=True, fix=True, _do_set=False)
except WcsError as e:
wcs_results.extend([str(x.message) for x in warning_lines])
return results