The module contains miscellaneous input/output routines that do not fit elsewhere, and are often used by other Astropy sub-packages. For example, contains functions to read/write Table objects from/to HDF5 files, but these should not be imported directly by users. Instead, users can access this functionality via the Table class itself (see Unified file read/write interface). Routines that are intended to be used directly by users are listed in the section.
This package contains miscellaneous utility functions for data input/output with astropy.
fnpickle(object, fileorname[, usecPickle, ...]) | Pickle an object to a specified file. |
fnunpickle(fileorname[, number, usecPickle]) | Unpickle pickled objects from a specified file and return the contents. |
This package contains functions for reading and writing HDF5 tables that are not meant to be used directly, but instead are available as readers/writers in astropy.table. See Unified file read/write interface for more details.
read_table_hdf5(input[, path]) | Read a Table object from an HDF5 file This requires h5py to be installed. |
write_table_hdf5(table, output[, path, ...]) | Write a Table object to an HDF5 file This requires h5py to be installed. |