Bases: astropy.coordinates.Angle
Longitude-like angle(s) which are wrapped within a contiguous 360 degree range.
A Longitude object is distinguished from a pure Angle by virtue of a wrap_angle property. The wrap_angle specifies that all angle values represented by the object will be in the range:
wrap_angle - 360 * u.deg <= angle(s) < wrap_angle
The default wrap_angle is 360 deg. Setting wrap_angle=180 * u.deg would instead result in values between -180 and +180 deg. Setting the wrap_angle attribute of an existing Longitude object will result in re-wrapping the angle values in-place.
The input angle(s) can be specified either as an array, list, scalar, tuple, string, Quantity or another Angle.
The input parser is flexible and supports all of the input formats supported by Angle.
Parameters: | angle : array, list, scalar, Quantity,
unit : UnitBase, str, optional
wrap_angle : Angle or equivalent, or None
Raises: | `~astropy.units.UnitsError`
Attributes Summary
wrap_angle |
Attributes Documentation