Bases: astropy.coordinates.BaseRepresentation
Representation of points in 3D spherical coordinates (using the physics convention of using phi and theta for azimuth and inclination from the pole).
Parameters: | phi, theta : Quantity or str
r : Quantity copy : bool, optional
Attributes Summary
attr_classes | Dictionary that remembers insertion order |
phi | The azimuth of the point(s). |
r | The distance from the origin to the point(s). |
recommended_units | |
theta | The elevation of the point(s). |
Methods Summary
from_cartesian(cart) | Converts 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates to spherical polar coordinates. |
represent_as(other_class) | |
to_cartesian() | Converts spherical polar coordinates to 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates. |
Attributes Documentation
The azimuth of the point(s).
The distance from the origin to the point(s).
The elevation of the point(s).
Methods Documentation
Converts 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates to spherical polar coordinates.
Converts spherical polar coordinates to 3D rectangular cartesian coordinates.