This subpackage contains modules supporting VO client-side operations.
You can manipulate a VO catalog using VOSCatalog, which is basically a dictionary with added functionalities.
>>> from astropy.vo.client.vos_catalog import VOSCatalog
You can create a VO catalog from scratch with your own VO service by providing its title and access URL, and optionally any other metadata as key-value pairs:
>>> my_cat = VOSCatalog.create(
... 'My Own', '',
... description='My first VO service.', creator='J. Doe', year=2013)
>>> print(my_cat)
title: My Own
>>> print(my_cat.dumps())
"creator": "J. Doe",
"description": "My first VO service.",
"title": "My Own",
"url": "",
"year": 2013
You can modify and add fields:
>>> my_cat['year'] = 2014
>>> my_cat['new_field'] = 'Hello world'
>>> print(my_cat.dumps())
"creator": "J. Doe",
"description": "My first VO service.",
"new_field": "Hello world",
"title": "My Own",
"url": "",
"year": 2014
In addition, you can also delete an existing field, except the compulsory title and access URL:
>>> my_cat.delete_attribute('description')
>>> print(my_cat.dumps())
"creator": "J. Doe",
"new_field": "Hello world",
"title": "My Own",
"url": "",
"year": 2014
You can manipulate VO database using VOSDatabase, which is basically a nested dictionary with added functionalities.
>>> from astropy.vo.client.vos_catalog import VOSDatabase
You can choose to start with an empty database:
>>> my_db = VOSDatabase.create_empty()
>>> print(my_db.dumps())
"__version__": 1,
"catalogs": {}
Add the custom catalog from VO catalog examples to database:
>>> my_db.add_catalog('My Catalog 1', my_cat)
>>> print(my_db)
My Catalog 1
>>> print(my_db.dumps())
"__version__": 1,
"catalogs": {
"My Catalog 1": {
"creator": "J. Doe",
"new_field": "Hello world",
"title": "My Own",
"url": "",
"year": 2014
You can write/read the new database to/from a JSON file:
>>> my_db.to_json('my_vo_database.json', clobber=True)
>>> my_db = VOSDatabase.from_json('my_vo_database.json')
You can also load a database from a VO registry. The process is described in Building the Database from Registry, except that here, validation is not done, so validate_xxx keys are not added. This might generate a lot of warnings, especially if the registry has duplicate entries of similar services, so here, we silently ignore all the warnings:
>>> import warnings
>>> from astropy.vo.validator.validate import CS_MSTR_LIST
>>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
... warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
... registry_db = VOSDatabase.from_registry(
... CS_MSTR_LIST(), encoding='binary', cache=False)
|===========================================| 25M/ 25M (100.00%) 00s
>>> len(registry_db)
Find catalog names containing 'usno*a2' in the registry database:
>>> usno_a2_list = registry_db.list_catalogs(pattern='usno*a2')
>>> usno_a2_list
[u'ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalog USNO A2 Cross-Associations 1',
u'The USNO-A2.0 Catalogue (Monet+ 1998) 1',
u'USNO-A2 Catalogue 1',
u'USNO-A2.0 1',
u'USNO-SA2.0 1']
Find access URLs containing 'stsci' in the registry database:
>>> stsci_urls = registry_db.list_catalogs_by_url(pattern='stsci')
>>> stsci_urls
'', ...,
Extract a catalog titled 'USNO-A2 Catalogue 1' from the registry:
>>> usno_a2 = registry_db.get_catalog('USNO-A2 Catalogue 1')
>>> print(usno_a2)
title: USNO-A2 Catalogue
Extract a catalog by known access URL from the registry (the iterator version of this functionality is get_catalogs_by_url(), which is useful in the case of multiple entries with same access URL):
>>> gsc = registry_db.get_catalog_by_url(
... '')
>>> print(gsc)
title: The Guide Star Catalog, Version 2.3.2 (GSC2.3) (STScI, 2006)
Add all 'usno*a2' catalogs from registry to your database:
>>> for name, cat in registry_db.get_catalogs():
... if name in usno_a2_list:
... my_db.add_catalog(name, cat)
>>> my_db.list_catalogs()
[u'My Catalog 1',
u'ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalog USNO A2 Cross-Associations 1',
u'The USNO-A2.0 Catalogue (Monet+ 1998) 1',
u'USNO-A2 Catalogue 1',
u'USNO-A2.0 1',
u'USNO-SA2.0 1']
You can delete a catalog from the database either by name or access URL:
>>> my_db.delete_catalog('USNO-SA2.0 1')
>>> my_db.delete_catalog_by_url(
... '')
>>> my_db.list_catalogs()
[u'My Catalog 1',
u'ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalog USNO A2 Cross-Associations 1',
u'The USNO-A2.0 Catalogue (Monet+ 1998) 1',
u'USNO-A2.0 1']
You can also merge two database together. In this example, the second database contains a simple catalog that only has given name and access URL:
>>> other_db = VOSDatabase.create_empty()
>>> other_db.add_catalog_by_url(
... 'My Guide Star Catalogue',
... '')
>>> print(other_db.dumps())
"__version__": 1,
"catalogs": {
"My Guide Star Catalogue": {
"title": "My Guide Star Catalogue",
"url": ""
>>> merged_db = my_db.merge(other_db)
>>> merged_db.list_catalogs()
[u'My Catalog 1',
u'My Guide Star Catalogue',
u'ROSAT All-Sky Survey Bright Source Catalog USNO A2 Cross-Associations 1',
u'The USNO-A2.0 Catalogue (Monet+ 1998) 1',
u'USNO-A2.0 1']
astropy.vo.client.vos_catalog also contains common utilities for accessing simple VO services already validated by STScI (see Validation for Simple Cone Search).
These parameters are set via Configuration system (astropy.config):
>>> from astropy.vo.client import vos_catalog
Get all catalogs from a database named 'conesearch_good' (this contains cone search services that cleanly passed daily validations; also see Cone Search Examples):
>>> my_db = vos_catalog.get_remote_catalog_db('conesearch_good')
|============================================| 56/ 56k (100.00%) 00s
>>> print(my_db)
Guide Star Catalog 2.3 1
SDSS DR7 - Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 1
SDSS DR7 - Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 2
# ...
USNO-A2 Catalogue 1
USNO-A2.0 1
If you get timeout error, you need to use a custom timeout as follows:
>>> from astropy.utils import data
>>> with data.conf.set_temp('remote_timeout', 30):
... my_db = vos_catalog.get_remote_catalog_db('conesearch_good')
To see validation warnings generated by Validation for Simple Cone Search for the one of the catalogs above:
>>> my_cat = my_db.get_catalog('Guide Star Catalog 2.3 1')
>>> for w in my_cat['validate_warnings']:
... print(w)
/.../vo.xml:136:0: W50: Invalid unit string 'pixel'
/.../vo.xml:155:0: W48: Unknown attribute 'nrows' on TABLEDATA
By default, pedantic is False:
>>> from import conf
>>> conf.pedantic
To call a given VO service; In this case, a Cone Search (also see Cone Search Examples):
>>> from astropy import coordinates as coord
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> c = coord.SkyCoord.from_name('47 Tuc')
>>> c
<SkyCoord (ICRS): ra=6.0223292 deg, dec=-72.0814444 deg>
>>> sr = 0.5 *
>>> sr
<Quantity 0.5 deg>
>>> result = vos_catalog.call_vo_service(
... 'conesearch_good',
... kwargs={'RA':, 'DEC':, 'SR': sr.value},
... catalog_db='The PMM USNO-A1.0 Catalogue (Monet 1997) 1')
Downloading ...
WARNING: W22: ... The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1...
WARNING: W03: ... Implictly generating an ID from a name 'RA(ICRS)'...
WARNING: W03: ... Implictly generating an ID from a name 'DE(ICRS)'...
>>> result
<Table rows=36184 names=('_r','_RAJ2000','_DEJ2000', ...>
To repeat the above and suppress all the screen outputs (not recommended):
>>> import warnings
>>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
... warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
... result = vos_catalog.call_vo_service(
... 'conesearch_good',
... kwargs={'RA':, 'DEC':, 'SR': sr.value},
... catalog_db='The PMM USNO-A1.0 Catalogue (Monet 1997) 1',
... verbose=False)
You can also use custom VO database, say, 'my_vo_database.json' from VO database examples:
>>> import os
>>> from astropy.vo.client.vos_catalog import BASEURL
>>> with BASEURL.set_temp(os.curdir):
... try:
... result = vos_catalog.call_vo_service(
... 'my_vo_database',
... kwargs={'RA':, 'DEC':,
... 'SR': sr.value})
... except Exception as e:
... print(e)
|===========================================| 1.8k/1.8k (100.00%) 00s
None of the available catalogs returned valid results.
astropy.vo.client.conesearch supports VO Simple Cone Search capabilities.
Available databases are generated on the server-side hosted by STScI using Validation for Simple Cone Search. The database used is controlled by astropy.vo.Conf.conesearch_dbname, which can be changed in Configurable Items below. Here are the available options:
Default. Passed validation without critical warnings and exceptions.
Has critical warnings but no exceptions. Use at your own risk.
Has some exceptions. Never use this.
Has network connection error. Never use this.
In the default setting, it searches the good Cone Search services one by one, stops at the first one that gives non-zero match(es), and returns the result. Since the list of services are extracted from a Python dictionary, the search order might differ from call to call.
There are also functions, both synchronously and asynchronously, available to return all the Cone Search query results. However, this is not recommended unless one knows what one is getting into, as it could potentially take up significant run time and computing resources.
Examples below show how to use non-default search behaviors, where the user has more control of which catalog(s) to search, et cetera.
Most services currently fail to parse when pedantic=True.
When Cone Search returns warnings, you should decide whether the results are reliable by inspecting the warning codes in
These parameters are set via Configuration system (astropy.config):
Also depends on General VO Services Access Configurable Items.
>>> from astropy.vo.client import conesearch
Shows a sorted list of Cone Search services to be searched:
>>> conesearch.list_catalogs()
[u'Guide Star Catalog 2.3 1',
u'SDSS DR7 - Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 1',
u'SDSS DR7 - Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 2',
u'SDSS DR7 - Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 3',
u'SDSS DR7 - Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 4',
u'SDSS DR8 - Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 8 1',
u'SDSS DR8 - Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 8 2',
u'The HST Guide Star Catalog, Version 1.1 (Lasker+ 1992) 1',
u'The HST Guide Star Catalog, Version 1.2 (Lasker+ 1996) 1',
u'The HST Guide Star Catalog, Version GSC-ACT (Lasker+ 1996-99) 1',
u'The PMM USNO-A1.0 Catalogue (Monet 1997) 1',
u'The USNO-A2.0 Catalogue (Monet+ 1998) 1',
u'Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) 1',
u'Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) 2',
u'USNO-A2 Catalogue 1',
u'USNO-A2.0 1']
To inspect them in detail, do the following and then refer to the examples in Database Manipulation:
>>> from astropy.vo.client import vos_catalog
>>> good_db = vos_catalog.get_remote_catalog_db('conesearch_good')
Select a catalog to search:
>>> my_catname = 'The PMM USNO-A1.0 Catalogue (Monet 1997) 1'
By default, pedantic is False:
>>> from import conf
>>> conf.pedantic
Perform Cone Search in the selected catalog above for 0.5 degree radius around 47 Tucanae with minimum verbosity, if supported. The catalog_db keyword gives control over which catalog(s) to use. If running this for the first time, a copy of the catalogs database will be downloaded to local cache. To run this again without using cached data, set cache=False:
>>> from astropy import coordinates as coord
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> c = coord.SkyCoord.from_name('47 Tuc')
>>> c
<SkyCoord (ICRS): ra=6.0223292 deg, dec=-72.0814444 deg>
>>> sr = 0.5 *
>>> sr
<Quantity 0.5 deg>
>>> result = conesearch.conesearch(c, sr, catalog_db=my_catname)
Downloading ...
WARNING: W22: ... The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1...
To run the command above using custom timeout of 30 seconds for each Cone Search service query:
>>> from astropy.utils import data
>>> with data.conf.set_temp('remote_timeout', 30):
... result = conesearch.conesearch(c, sr, catalog_db=my_catname)
To suppress all the screen outputs (not recommended):
>>> import warnings
>>> with warnings.catch_warnings():
... warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
... result = conesearch.conesearch(c, sr, catalog_db=my_catname,
... verbose=False)
Extract Numpy array containing the matched objects. See numpy for available operations:
>>> cone_arr =
>>> cone_arr
array([(0.499298, 4.403473, -72.124045, '0150-00088188'),
(0.499075, 4.403906, -72.122762, '0150-00088198'),
(0.499528, 4.404531, -72.045198, '0150-00088210'), ...,
(0.4988, 7.641731, -72.113156, '0150-00225965'),
(0.499554, 7.645489, -72.103167, '0150-00226134'),
(0.499917, 7.6474, -72.0876, '0150-00226223')],
dtype=[('_r', '<f8'), ('_RAJ2000', '<f8'), ('_DEJ2000', '<f8'),
('USNO-A1.0', '|S13')])
>>> cone_arr.dtype.names
('_r', '_RAJ2000', '_DEJ2000', 'USNO-A1.0')
>>> cone_arr.size
>>> ra_list = cone_arr['_RAJ2000']
>>> ra_list
array([ 4.403473, 4.403906, 4.404531, ..., 7.641731, 7.645489, 7.6474 ])
>>> cone_arr[0] # First row
(0.499298, 4.403473, -72.124045, '0150-00088188')
>>> cone_arr[-1] # Last row
(0.499917, 7.6474, -72.0876, '0150-00226223')
>>> cone_arr[:10] # First 10 rows
array([(0.499298, 4.403473, -72.124045, '0150-00088188'),
(0.499075, 4.403906, -72.122762, '0150-00088198'),
(0.499528, 4.404531, -72.045198, '0150-00088210'),
(0.497252, 4.406078, -72.095045, '0150-00088245'),
(0.499739, 4.406462, -72.139545, '0150-00088254'),
(0.496312, 4.410623, -72.110492, '0150-00088372'),
(0.49473, 4.415053, -72.071217, '0150-00088494'),
(0.494171, 4.415939, -72.087512, '0150-00088517'),
(0.493722, 4.417678, -72.0972, '0150-00088572'),
(0.495147, 4.418262, -72.047142, '0150-00088595')],
dtype=[('_r', '<f8'), ('_RAJ2000', '<f8'), ('_DEJ2000', '<f8'),
('USNO-A1.0', '|S13')])
Sort the matched objects by angular separation in ascending order:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> sep = cone_arr['_r']
>>> i_sorted = np.argsort(sep)
>>> cone_arr[i_sorted]
array([(0.081971, 5.917787, -72.006075, '0150-00145335'),
(0.083181, 6.020339, -72.164623, '0150-00149799'),
(0.089166, 5.732798, -72.077698, '0150-00137181'), ...,
(0.499981, 7.024962, -72.477503, '0150-00198745'),
(0.499987, 6.423773, -71.597364, '0150-00168596'),
(0.499989, 6.899589, -72.5043, '0150-00192872')],
dtype=[('_r', '<f8'), ('_RAJ2000', '<f8'), ('_DEJ2000', '<f8'),
('USNO-A1.0', '|S13')])
Result can also be manipulated as VOTable XML handling ( and its unit can be manipulated as Units and Quantities (astropy.units). In this example, we convert RA values from degree to arcsec:
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> ra_field = result.get_field_by_id('_RAJ2000')
>>> ra_field.title
u'Right ascension (FK5, Equinox=J2000.0) (computed by VizieR, ...)'
>>> ra_field.unit
>>> * ra_list
array([ 15852.5028, 15854.0616, 15856.3116, ..., 27510.2316,
27523.7604, 27530.64 ])
Perform the same Cone Search as above but asynchronously using AsyncConeSearch. Queries to individual Cone Search services are still governed by Cone Search is forced to run in silent mode asynchronously, but warnings are still controlled by warnings:
>>> async_search = conesearch.AsyncConeSearch(c, sr, catalog_db=my_catname)
Check asynchronous search status:
>>> async_search.running()
>>> async_search.done()
Get search results after a 30-second wait (not to be confused with that governs individual Cone Search queries). If search is still not done after 30 seconds, TimeoutError is raised. Otherwise, Cone Search result is returned and can be manipulated as above. If no timeout keyword given, it waits until completion:
>>> async_result = async_search.get(timeout=30)
>>> cone_arr =
>>> cone_arr.size
Estimate the execution time and the number of objects for the Cone Search service URL from above. The prediction naively assumes a linear model, which might not be accurate for some cases. It also uses the normal conesearch(), not the asynchronous version. This example uses a custom timeout of 30 seconds and runs silently (except for warnings):
>>> result.url
>>> with data.conf.set_temp('remote_timeout', 30):
... t_est, n_est = conesearch.predict_search(
... result.url, c, sr, verbose=False, plot=True)
WARNING: W22: ... The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1...
# ...
>>> t_est # Predicted execution time
>>> n_est # Predicted number of objects
For debugging purpose, one can obtain the actual execution time and number of objects, and compare them with the predicted values above. The INFO message shown in controlled by astropy.logger. Keep in mind that running this for every prediction would defeat the purpose of the prediction itself:
>>> t_real, tab = conesearch.conesearch_timer(
... c, sr, catalog_db=result.url, verbose=False)
INFO: conesearch_timer took 11.5103080273 s on AVERAGE for 1 call(s). [...]
>>> t_real # Actual execution time
>>> tab.array.size # Actual number of objects
One can also search in a list of catalogs instead of a single one. In this example, we look for all catalogs containing 'guide*star' in their titles and only perform Cone Search using those services. The first catalog in the list to successfully return non-zero result is used. Therefore, the order of catalog names given in catalog_db is important:
>>> gsc_cats = conesearch.list_catalogs(pattern='guide*star')
>>> gsc_cats
[u'Guide Star Catalog 2.3 1',
u'The HST Guide Star Catalog, Version 1.1 (Lasker+ 1992) 1',
u'The HST Guide Star Catalog, Version 1.2 (Lasker+ 1996) 1',
u'The HST Guide Star Catalog, Version GSC-ACT (Lasker+ 1996-99) 1']
>>> gsc_result = conesearch.conesearch(c, sr, catalog_db=gsc_cats)
WARNING: W50: ... Invalid unit string 'pixel' [...]
WARNING: W48: ... Unknown attribute 'nrows' on TABLEDATA [...]
>>> gsc_result.array.size
>>> gsc_result.url
To repeat the Cone Search above with the services listed in a different order:
>>> gsc_cats_reordered = [gsc_cats[i] for i in (3, 1, 2, 0)]
>>> gsc_cats_reordered
[u'The HST Guide Star Catalog, Version GSC-ACT (Lasker+ 1996-99) 1',
u'The HST Guide Star Catalog, Version 1.1 (Lasker+ 1992) 1',
u'The HST Guide Star Catalog, Version 1.2 (Lasker+ 1996) 1',
u'Guide Star Catalog 2.3 1']
>>> gsc_result = conesearch.conesearch(c, sr, catalog_db=gsc_cats_reordered)
Downloading ...
WARNING: W22: ... The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1...
>>> gsc_result.array.size
>>> gsc_result.url
To obtain results from all the services above:
>>> all_gsc_results = conesearch.search_all(c, sr, catalog_db=gsc_cats)
Downloading ...
Downloading ...
WARNING: W22: ... The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1...
Downloading ...
WARNING: W22: ... The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1...
Downloading ...
>>> len(all_gsc_results)
>>> for url, tab in all_gsc_results.items():
... print('{0} has {1} results'.format(url, tab.array.size)) has 2998 results has 2997 results has 74276 results has 2997 results
To repeat the above asynchronously:
>>> async_search_all = conesearch.AsyncSearchAll(c, sr, catalog_db=gsc_cats)
>>> async_search_all.running()
>>> async_search_all.done()
>>> all_gsc_results = async_search_all.get()
If one is unable to obtain any results using the default Cone Search database, 'conesearch_good', that only contains sites that cleanly passed validation, one can use Configuration system (astropy.config) to use another database, 'conesearch_warn', containing sites with validation warnings. One should use these sites with caution:
>>> from astropy.vo import conf
>>> conf.conesearch_dbname = 'conesearch_warn'
>>> conesearch.list_catalogs()
|===========================================| 87k/ 87k (100.00%) 00s
[u'2MASS All-Sky Catalog of Point Sources (Cutri+ 2003) 1',
u'2MASS All-Sky Point Source Catalog 1',
u'Data release 7 of Sloan Digital Sky Survey catalogs 1',
u'Data release 7 of Sloan Digital Sky Survey catalogs 2',
u'Data release 7 of Sloan Digital Sky Survey catalogs 3',
u'Data release 7 of Sloan Digital Sky Survey catalogs 4',
u'Data release 7 of Sloan Digital Sky Survey catalogs 5',
u'Data release 7 of Sloan Digital Sky Survey catalogs 6',
u'The 2MASS All-Sky Catalog 1',
u'The 2MASS All-Sky Catalog 2',
u'The USNO-B1.0 Catalog (Monet+ 2003) 1',
u'The USNO-B1.0 Catalog 1',
u'USNO-A V2.0, A Catalog of Astrometric Standards 1',
u'USNO-B1 Catalogue 1']
>>> result = conesearch.conesearch(c, sr)
Downloading ...
WARNING: W22: ... The DEFINITIONS element is deprecated in VOTable 1.1...
You can also use custom Cone Search database, say, 'my_vo_database.json' from VO database examples:
>>> import os
>>> from astropy.vo.client.vos_catalog import BASEURL
>>> BASEURL.set(os.curdir)
>>> conesearch.CONESEARCH_DBNAME.set('my_vo_database')
>>> conesearch.list_catalogs()
[u'My Catalog 1']
>>> result = conesearch.conesearch(c, sr)
Downloading ...
|===========================================| 1.8k/1.8k (100.00%) 00s
# ...
VOSError: None of the available catalogs returned valid results.